The Presidential Election

Sir, - I was incensed by your election coverage in relation to Mary McAleese but decided to wait until after election day to …

Sir, - I was incensed by your election coverage in relation to Mary McAleese but decided to wait until after election day to write to you.

Your paper tried everything to smear her, including bringing out your "big guns" - Vincent Browne, Fintan O'Toole, Kevin Myers and Mary Holland - to denigrate her. For once, all of them were playing the same tune as the eccentric Conor Cruise O'Brien.

When you found that this didn't influence the ordinary people you wheeled out Ken Maginnis and Ruth Dudley Edwards.

Hard luck. All your attempts failed. But it certainly raises the question: is your paper totally out of touch with its readership? - Yours, etc.,


Castletown, Co Kildare.