Thompson: no 'one-poem' poet

Madam, - I was appalled by Paul Hurley's article on Francis Thompson (An Irishman's Diary, November 19th) and by the caption…

Madam, - I was appalled by Paul Hurley's article on Francis Thompson (An Irishman's Diary, November 19th) and by the caption saying: "Francis Thompson: his reputation rests on one poem". Rubbish! Absolute rubbish!

The very selective Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse includes six of his poems and an extract from a seventh. And Legouis and Cazamian's judicious two-page assessment fully bears out this view.

And what about Thompson's prose works, barely mentioned by Mr Hurley? The Collected Edition authorised by Thompson's literary executor in May 1913 comprised two volumes of poetry and one of prose, the latter containing many deeply perceptive analyses of earlier English poets.

By all means let us celebrate the centenary of Thompson's death. But let us at least do it in due proportion, and with sound judgment of his real worth. - Yours, etc,


(Dr) MARTIN PULBROOK, Enniscoffey, Co Westmeath.