Thunder In Dublin

Sir, - One notes from The Irish Times (August llth) that a fearsome thunder and lightning storm hit Dublin in the early hours…

Sir, - One notes from The Irish Times (August llth) that a fearsome thunder and lightning storm hit Dublin in the early hours of the morning. Well, mercy me, isn't that something the whole country needs to know and marvel at, that such a catastrophe befell.

Look, you ham, that same thunder and lightning storm also hit Gorey and quite a few other places besides, but apparently unless it happens in Dublin, such an event isn't news - and even then, only insofar as it relates to Dublin, less than ten inches from the end of your collective nose.

Isn't The Irish Times supposed to be national newspaper? - Yours etc.,

N.D. Johnston,


Raheenagurren, Gorey, Co Wexford.