Madam, - Roisin Ingle's piece in your Magazine of April 12th was disappointing and distressing.
I find the phrase "crucifixion parties" nauseating. What a reflection of the wretchedness of our society if people stock up on Holy Thursday so as to "have enough booze to hold a house party on the night Jesus Christ was nailed to the Cross".
No one is obliged to either believe or recall the events of Good Friday. But they deserve to be respected. The trivialisation of the Sayings from the Cross, sacred to most Christians, is regrettable: "Father forgive us, we know exactly what we are doing. . .Into thy hands they commend their spirits". When placed side by side with the glorification of drink they are devalued even more. Many of your readers would welcome something with a bit more depth at the beginning of Holy Week.
Thankfully, thousands of Irish people will spend Good Friday "surveying the wondrous Cross on which the Prince of Glory died". I am more than satisfied to be one of them. - Yours, etc.,
ROBERT DUNLOP, The Baptist Church, Brannockstown, Co Kildare.