Sir, - The report on the general upgrading of Blackrock by architects O'Dowd, Herlihy and Horan makes very interesting reading. This comprehensive report, together with its illustrations and diagrams, examines the context of Blackrock and its land use and sets out a number of recommendations for the general improvement of the town.
I note a number of these recommendations; for example, the upgrading and proper use of car parking facilities, particularly around the DART station; proper pedestrianisation of the Main Street; the refurbishment of the DART station and the development of the pedestrian promenade along the shoreline. Other points of interest include upgrading of traffic lights, signs and street furniture and the development of the baths for commercial and leisure use.
The town of Blackrock, in my opinion, has become grubby and untidy and is crying out for development. I also feel that the town in its present state is unsuitable for disabled people.
If EU finance for the "Blackrock Initiative" is not forthcoming, then serious consideration must be given to alternative funding for this project. Even, now the main players in this game such as Rehab, Blackrock Chamber of Commerce, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and other parties should be actively pursuing an alternative source of funding, in order to make Blackrock a better place to live and work in. - Yours, etc.,
Newtown Park Avenue,
Co Dublin.