US Air Strikes

Sir, - In the wake of President Clinton's unwarranted and cynical acts of aggression against Afghanistan and Sudan, will we Irish…

Sir, - In the wake of President Clinton's unwarranted and cynical acts of aggression against Afghanistan and Sudan, will we Irish draw back even slightly from our headlong rush to be seen as an obsequious outpost of the US?

Although in these days of the tiger we have abandoned all principles of international solidarity (and most other principles besides), perhaps the will to self-preservation might indicate that erecting bronze statues to Bill Clinton at such a delicate juncture (as appears to be the intention of the burghers of Ballybunion) is the best way to ensure that Irish travellers will be as unwelcome as the hated Americans should we set foot in the Majority World.

Given the Irish Government's failure even to comment on these atrocities, it seems clear that we have chosen the path of the lickspittle. - Yours, etc.,

Raymond Deane,


Dun Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.