Vacating the Vatican

Sir, - Our ambassadors are our salespeople

Sir, - Our ambassadors are our salespeople. Their energies should be target-driven and directed towards entertaining potential tourist and trade partners. It is right that we waste no more money courting the Vatican, which has nothing to offer economically, and has run up a spiritual deficit in recent years. - Yours,e tc,


Mabel Street,

Drumcondra, Dublin 3.

Sir, - Just as we thought sectarianism was on the wane in Ireland as one of the fruits of the Belfast Agreement, Eamon Gilmore, the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Mr Kenny, the Taoiseach, have revived it and placed it squarely before the Irish people as something to be admired, with their decision to close the Irish Embassy to the Vatican.

Nobody is fooled by their explanation that the closure was for economic reasons alone. The dogs in the street are barking "sectarianism". The people of Ireland deserve better than this. No doubt, the people will let them know at the next election. - Yours, etc,


Carysfort Park,

Blackrock, Co Dublin.