SIR, - Kevin Myers is to be congratulated for his Irishman's Diary (July 3rd). As I read the lines.
"Shall we only threaten and be angry for an hour?
And when the storm has ended shall we find
How softly but how swiftly, they have sidled back to power
By the favour and contrivance of their kind?"
I remembered that on Tuesday evening I had watched in total disbelief as a TV camera panned across the vacant seats of a Dail. chamber which was reported to be celebrating the very issues precipitated by Ms. Guerin's death. Row upon row of empty seats of the politicians who did not consider it worth their while to participate or listen to this debate. They didn't even wait for the storm to end. Oh I can hear them saying in defence that we ordinary mortals don't understand the workings of the Dail. indeed we do not. But let us hope that we quickly learn to understand "the slothfulness that wasted and the arrogance that slew" before we are again asked to return these people to power.
Yours, etc.,
Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan