‘Vexatious’ planning challenges

Sir, – Barry O'Halloran reports that the Taoiseach has announced to the Construction Industry Federation annual general conference that he will enact new laws to "block vexatious planning challenges" (Business, October 2nd).

He is also reported to have told the conference that “good” projects end up being subjected to judicial review to the frustration of builders and planners.

I would like the Taoiseach to clarify what exactly does he mean by “vexatious planning challenges?”

Does he consider challenges to proposed contraventions by developers of EU and national environmental laws “vexatious”?


Does he consider challenges to the erosion of public participation in the planning process “vexatious”?

It is interesting to note that various judgments in recent judicial review cases have not found such challenges vexatious.

I would like the Taoiseach to clarify what he means by “good” projects.

Good for whom?

Many strategic housing development proposals have met with opposition from residents in the immediate vicinity of such SHD developments.

Many residents have genuine concerns about overbearing height and density of proposed developments in the context of existing neighbourhoods.

There are many concerns that SHD developments do not address the very real housing crisis that exists.

Many Section V allocations are too expensive for local councils to purchase, making a nonsense of the purported objectives of the SHD to alleviate housing needs and homelessness.

So again I ask, good for whom, beside developers? – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.