Madam, - I will ignore the many inaccuracies in Kevin Myers's Irishman's Diary of March 22nd and instead, using one of his own techniques, seize on his use of one word - "transformative". I am proud, indeed privileged, to be part of the transformative agenda of WERRC, being a tutor on the outreach programme.
We offer the opportunity to some of the most marginalised women in Ireland, both rural and urban, to undertake NUI-validated undergraduate certificate and diploma courses. Many of these women have been deprived of a full secondary education, not to mind the opportunity to pursue a third level education.
I have lost count of the times women have said to me, "This course has changed my life". We support the women from their tentative efforts to express themselves in their first, 500-word assignment and delight in their huge sense of achievement when they produce a 3,000-5,000 word project at the end of their particular course. Many of them uncover talents and creative abilities they never suspected they possessed.
Some continue their education to BA or even MA level in our department, other departments of UCD, or other universities.
From my own perspective, these past four years in WERRC have been the most rewarding in my life. Through these women, who often have to struggle through tremendous obstacles to achieve their goal, I am endlessly reminded of my own excitement, sense of achievement and gratitude at having the opportunity as a mature student to learn new skills, to broaden my horizons and to better understand the structures shaping our lives.
There is so much ability, talent and creativity among the ordinary women in Ireland. Why should they be denied an opportunity to engage in education at whatever stage of their lives. Why should Mr Myers, from his lofty eyrie, see this as a waste of time and taxpayers' money?
Finally, surely education should always be "transformative"; what is the point otherwise? - Yours, etc.,
MARY C. FAKHER-ELDIN, Women's Education, Research and Resource Centre, UCD, Dublin 4.
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Madam, - Ailbhe Smyth (March 30th) seems to feel the existence of the WERRC in UCD is justified because feminists are working "to create a more just and egalitarian society". Many masculists believe they're doing the same thing; the difference is that the research arm of their movement isn't State-subsidised.
Justice? What justice? - Yours, etc.,
T. KINDLON, Beechpark Lawn, Castleknock, Dublin 15.