'Wretched' state of Irish in schools

Madam, - I have attracted abuse from Marc Coleman (March 10th) for saying that our language is English because that's what we…

Madam, - I have attracted abuse from Marc Coleman (March 10th) for saying that our language is English because that's what we want, and so the motivation to acquire Irish as a functional language is missing among the population, including those of school-going age.

Of course there are some enthusiasts who want to use Irish as a functional language and they do have the motivation to learn it, but they are the exception.

It is worth noting that the 2003 Official Languages Act reflects the acceptance by the responsible State officials that the people will not speak Irish and that it has to be conserved without popular participation. Hence the use of the language in translation of Government texts, etc is laid down by law and the necessary translators are engaged by the State to fulfil the law's requirements. This process has nothing to do with the people in general.

Mr Coleman also claims that learning Irish makes people smarter, but the evidence for this must be sought elsewhere than in his letter. - Yours, etc,


DONAL FLYNN, Breffni Terrace, Sandycove, Co Dublin.