This Week They Said

I doubt, but I hope. Everyone hopes till the end, don't they?

I doubt, but I hope. Everyone hopes till the end, don't they?

- Russian woman Olga Anisimova who may be deported

Isn't it a great pity that those who say they want a united Ireland are divided?

- A friend of Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams on the newly formed 32 County Sovereignty Committee


[Repealing Rule 21] would send out an extraordinary message of generosity and hope.

- The President, Mrs McAleese, asks the GAA to admit RUC and British army members

When I say we have a fragment it means we have something like an elbow.

- Russia's Emergency Situations Minister Sergei Shoigu on the difficulty of identifying the victims of last weekend's plane crash in Irkutsk, Siberia

The mad behaviour of Welsh farmers when attacking Irish lorry drivers . . . shows that the ban on eating British beef was well justified.

- Robert O'Sullivan in a letter to a Sunday newspaper

This cow isn't mad, she's bloody livid.

- A protester gets her message across on a T-shirt at Millbay Docks, Plymouth

Anna's truly passionate about fashion. But she's not interested in journalism.

- A former Vogue feature writer on the US magazine's British editor, Anna `Nuclear' Wintour

One swallow never made a summer.

- Dunloy Apprentice Boys president John Finlay on prospects for an end to the Harryville picket

The end of the week at Westminster is getting to be like the Marie Celeste

- only not so busy.

- British parliamentary official commenting on the absence of MPs from the Commons on Fridays

I will make no moral judgment on any impropriety of a respectable housewife from a salubrious part of Dublin earning money as an escort.

- Judge Cyril Kelly, Dublin's Circuit Criminal Court, on an assault case involving escort agencies

Forgive me, congregation, for I have sinned.

- Dr Michael Bunce of St Andrew's church, Brechin, UK, found guilty of embezzling £44,000 from a fund he set up for the unemployed

More a social thing than anything else.

- David Trimble on his meeting with the Taoiseach

It will deal with all aspects of his life that he hasn't forgotten.

- Spokesman for soccer hard man Vinnie Jones on his projected memoirs

I could see it out of my hotel window rising very quickly and realised somehow or other I should be with it.

- Virgin supremo Richard Branson on seeing his "around the world in a balloon" dream float away

I am the son of God.

- British broadcaster Chris Evans, who has just bought a 55 per cent stake in Virgin Radio

There is a disease after breaking out in the North among Irish speakers. The name of the disease is the "Way to Make Irish Attractive to the Protestant Community in Northern Ireland."

- President of the Gaelic League Gearoid O Caireallain

Mr Blair is significantly placed to be the British Prime Minister who brings about a new history, a new relationship between the people of these islands

- Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams

In every half-case, people see compensation. Compensatitis must be the worst disease that we have in the country at the moment.

- The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern