This Week They Said

Those whom we commemorate here were doubly tragic. They fell victim to a war against oppression in Europe

Those whom we commemorate here were doubly tragic. They fell victim to a war against oppression in Europe. Their memory, too, fell victim to a war for independence at home in Ireland . . . Respect for the memory of one set of heroes was often at the expense of respect for the memory of the other.

- The President, Mrs McAleese, at the Armistice Day commemorations in Belgium

I'll give you a good reason. The IRA won't do it. That's the reason.

- Martin McGuinness of Sinn Fein, pressed on why the IRA would not start handing over weapons


The Stormont agreement simply updates and strengthens English rule here by including nationalist representatives in executive positions. They sit in the old Stormont parliament which has been refurbished after the fire there - just like British rule itself.

- Republican Sinn Fein president, Ruairi O Bradaigh

I think that it would be ridiculous to pretend that there haven't been problems between North and South. And I think any initiative which can somehow overcome these rather artificial divisions can only be good.

- The Duke of Edinburgh, during his visit to Dublin

I begin to tire of needing to issue denials of false stories about all manner of thoughts which I am alleged to be having.

- Prince Charles, in a statement denying he wants the queen to abdicate

I do know that we French are world champions of football. You must be the best at your cricket. Yes? No! What a shame.

- Madame Dominique Haumant-Daumas, the judge in the Geoffrey Boycott case

If the Progressive Democrats go under, I will go under with them.

- The PD leader, Mary Harney

A show trial in a foreign land is not justice. It is certainly not British justice.

- The former Chilean dictator, Gen Augusto Pinochet, whose extradition is sought by Spain

It's one thing to kill a criminal, that's one thing. But to kill a female journalist to get out of going to jail for six months, it didn't make any sense then and it doesn't make any sense now.

- State witness Charles Bowden, in his evidence to the Veronica Guerin murder trial

I am a victim of being accused of this. Mr Bowden is the main man, the main person who has me here . . . I am not making myself out to be a saint, far from it. I don't blame the guards, I blame Mr Bowden for the lies he said about me and he is after convincing the guards. He is putting poison in the guards' minds saying I was involved in that woman's murder. I wasn't.

- Paul Ward, who is accused of murdering Ms Guerin

It's amazing what people will buy when they're stuck on an aircraft. We've just sold our first mail-order crystal chandelier to a passenger.

- Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary

The night of November 9th and 10th, 1938, is one of the most horrible and shameful moments in German history.

- The German President, Roman Herzog, during a cere]mony to mark the 60th anniversary of Kristallnacht

It is not Iraq that is the problem here, it is the United States. Iraq wants to end sanctions . . . We are ready to confront them. We don't see any light at the end of the tunnel . . . There is a tunnel after the tunnel.

- The Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq, Tariq Aziz, on the threat of military action by the US