This Week They Said

Is it now time that McGuinness, Adams and Molloy [Sinn Fein MLA for Mid-Ulster] were arrested for war crimes against the people…

Is it now time that McGuinness, Adams and Molloy [Sinn Fein MLA for Mid-Ulster] were arrested for war crimes against the people of Northern Ireland?

- The DUP MLA for Mid-Ulster, the Rev William McCrea

This is a nationalist school. The royal family has a record of open discrimination towards Catholics, and St Mary's is a Catholic school.

- Sinn Fein councillor Finbar Conway, who halted a visit to a Co Tyrone school by the Duchess of Abercorn


Nothing this government says or does can dishonour the RUC and the men in it. This government can and does dishonour itself.

- David Trimble, UUP leader, to Tony Blair, after the Commons announcement that the name of the RUC is to change

I would like the RUC name to be remembered. It's a proud name. But I'm afraid the name is not owned by both communities.

- The Northern Secretary, Peter Mandelson

The RUC will react to it with the same dedicated and innovative approach with which it traversed the difficult years of violence and will enthusiastically . . . meet the demands of policing in a more conventional environment.

- Chris Ryder, former member of the Police Authority for NI, on the force's shake-up

I am keeping my head well down at the moment.

- Pastor Kenny McClinton, LVF arms intermediary, on learning his name has appeared on a loyalist hit list in the wake of the Richard Jameson murder

I want to apologise to you for the words I used . . . They were inappropriate and unnecessary and not befitting a judge.

- Judge Harvey Kenny, to an 18-year-old male defendant he had described as a "big, fat, thick man with a head like the front of a mallet"

I don't think tears can be shed for a psychopathic mass murderer. Crying for Arkan is like crying for Eichmann.

- Jacques Klein, head of the UN mission in Bosnia, of Arkan, the sobriquet of Serb paramilitary leader Zelko Raznjatovic, who has been killed

I tried marijuana, didn't like it particularly and, unlike President Clinton, I did inhale.

- Mo Mowlam, Britain's Cabinet Office Minister

He [Mr Justice O'Donovan] may break the organisation, but he won't break the spirit of the people.

- Peter Earle, chairman of the Wexford IFA, after Mr Justice O'Donovan increased the fine imposed on the organisation to £500,000

It pains me to use the word perverted when discussing the homosexual act but that is what it is.

- Cardinal Thomas Winning, leader of Scotland's Roman Catholics

This is our Ulster. It will last for years to come.

- General Anatoly Kulikov, officer commanding Russian forces in Chechnya

Ever since I met him, I've very much enjoyed chillin' out wid me itch.

- Neil Hamilton, the former Tory MP, on being interviewed by Ali G

I'm a flawed person, I have hurt others, I am impatient, I don't suffer fools gladly. Is that enough?

- US presidential hopeful Senator John McCain, asked about his "weak spots"