If you have a cause and commit an outrage you will lead the news . . . what gets displaced is the real politics.
- Mr Tony Blair at the Genoa summit of G8 leaders
The only system compatible with a democratic development of society.
- The Italian Prime Minister, Mr Silvio Berlusconi, of the globalisation policies promoted by the G8
I'm having a great time being Pres. . . being a senator from New York.
- Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton, caught in a Freudian slip when asked if she planned to run for the US presidency
You're going to go ballistic. We have two drivers in the bag.
- Ian Woosnam's caddie, Miles Byrne, admitting to the golfer during the British Open he had too many clubs in his bag, costing Woosnam a two-shot penalty and some £200,000 in prize money
He won't do it again. He will get a severe bollocking when I get in, but I am not going to sack him. He's a good lad.
- Woosnam of Byrne
It will be lovely to marry him again. It will mark the beginning of a new life for both of us, especially for George now that he is getting back to health.
- George Best's wife, Alex, on their plan to renew their wedding vows
I think we can now go home and look our children in the eye.
- Margot Wallstrom, EU Environment Commissioner, on the Bonn climate change agreement
He's going to live until 100 and plenty years.
- Dr Louis Gecelter, urologist to Mr Nelson Mandela, who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer
NATO is a friend of our enemies.
- Antonio Milosovski, Macedonian government spokesman
Give me macho, or give me death.
- Madonna, on what she likes in a man
To be frank, in September 1997 when people started annoying me - literally annoying me - by saying the Government wouldn't last until Christmas, I decided then that the Government would go to the summer of 2002.
- The Taoiseach
David Trimble's tactics have put power in the hands of the terrorists and have delivered unionism into its present cul-de-sac.
- Mr Peter Robinson, deputy leader of the DUP
Rich and famous people can't be friends with unknowns. I had to dump all mine. You go to dinner with them and you never know when they are going to ask you for something.
- Sir Michael Caine
No one has the right to be queer because this goes against nature.
- Muhammed Zari, director of an Egyptian human rights organisation, on the trial of 52 men suspected of being gay
We don't bother anybody and all I want to know is, do these people realise what they're doing? If it was their mothers or their fathers, would they like it?
- Ms Christine Curran, a Catholic, after a petrol bomb was thrown at her home in Co Antrim
There are two feelings. The feeling of responsibility towards everyone who worked in my hotel, and the feeling of guilt at being alive when the others perished.
- Ms Michelle Fricheteau, owner of the Hotelissimo, into which the Air France Concorde crashed one year ago killing two of her staff, and everyone on board the plane