This Week They Said

I believe my son was murdered.

I believe my son was murdered.

- The mother of a child who was infected with HIV through a Pelican House blood product and has since died of AIDS-related symptoms, in evidence to the Lindsay tribunal

Our sin is that we have imposed an Islamic system in our country and have given protection to a homeless Muslim.

- Mullah Mohammed Omar, leader of the Taliban


We're not running out of targets, Afghanistan is.

- Mr Donald Rumsfeld, US Secretary of Defence

You can call those numbers the bin Laden numbers.

- US Labour Secretary, Elaine Chao, noting that American businesses cut 200,000 jobs in September, the largest lay-offs in more than a decade

It is important that India and Pakistan stand down during our activities in Afghanistan and, for that matter, forever.

- President Bush, referring to the Kashmir dispute

Are we going to preside over deaths from starvation of hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of people this winter, because we didn't use the window of opportunity before winter closes?

- Mrs Mary Robinson, UN Human Rights High Commissioner, who has called for a pause in the airstrikes on Afghanistan

The movies set the pattern, and these people have copied the movies. . .How dare we continue to show this kind of mass destruction in movies?

- Robert Altman, film director, on the perpetrators of the attack on America

This is a peaceful place without any crime. I have lived over 20 years in this community and this is one of the saddest days of my life.

- Mr Frank Godfrey, who lives just 50 yards from where the body of a young woman, suspected to be that of German tourist, Ms Bettina Poeschel, was found in Donore, Co Meath

We vowed to avenge the killing of \the front's leader Abu Ali Mustafa and we fulfilled our promise . . . The Israeli government . . . has opened the gate of hell on itself and now the fire is approaching.

- Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine after it assassinated Israeli Tourism Minister, Rehavam Ze'evi

There is no possibility of the IRA doing anything unless, for example, David Trimble was prepared to commit himself to sustaining and working the institutions.

- Sinn FΘin source

It's time you copped yourselves on.

- The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, to Fine Gael

Although we have difficulties of our own time, there is no fair person in this country but thinks that it is good that we bury these men with State honours here today, and indeed that it is time we did so.

- The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, of the 10 volunteers executed during the War of Independence. Mr Ahern was speaking in Glasnevin Cemetery where nine of the men were reburied

My father was quite a naughty lad in his time. Daddy did his bit for heterosexuality, as I have tried to do mine.

- Joan Collins