A famous global retail leader provides access to key performance data and metrics to its entire full- and part-time staff, numbering over 70,000, as well as to all its suppliers. A shop worker in Dublin can compare and contrast performance in their store with stores worldwide, and get ideas on how best to improve sales and customer care. One of the world's most successful retailers has made the strategic decision to trust and empower all its workers and suppliers and be truly "Data Democratic".
Should your business do something similar? Could you do it, if you wanted to?
Capventis has been at the forefront of advising companies to understand and utilise their data since 1998. We've engaged with over 150 companies in the UK and Ireland, all the time discovering the true value of providing the right data to the right people at the right time.

We are now undertaking this survey to understand the drivers, enablers and inhibitors of Data Democracy.
Please click here to start the survey, it will only take three to four minutes to complete. In return, when you do we'll enter you into a draw to win a €250 voucher for Ireland's Blue Book, and we will also share the findings with you.
At Capventis, we recognise that the best solution is not just about one technology over another, but about what fits, works and aligns to the real needs of the business. We are a specialist business and technology consultancy company based in Ireland and the UK.
We provide exceptional and sustainable value to our customers, partners and employees, by delivering brilliant solutions and services.

We provide the full life cycle of advisory, design, configuration, integration, implementation and support services. The focus is on agile delivery that provides modern, flexible and cost effective solutions that are aligned to the needs of today’s digital economy. Build on our experience, develop our people and skills, leverage the best technology, and continually align our proposition to the evolving digital economy.