Battling through the paperwork involved in buying a house can be exhausting. Thankfully insuring your mortgage doesn’t have to be.
Thanks to the speedy online application process from Laya Life, ensuring your mortgage is paid off in the event of your death has never been easier.
Laya Life has created an online service that can see you protect your home in a matter of minutes, with no medical, no GP visits and no family history checks.

“We wanted to take the paperwork out of it,” says Cian Murphy, head of Laya Life insurance.
"Securing mortgage protection can be laborious and time consuming. Very often providers use unnecessarily complicated language that can be confusing too. Laya Life’s mortgage protection offers an easy solution. It’s online, it’s simple and the decision is instant.”
You can secure your cover in a matter of minutes
Simply select the mortgage protection option on the Laya Life website and answer nine straightforward questions. You have all control from selecting how much cover you want to how long you want to be covered. And you can choose whether it's for yourself only or for you and your partner, it's as easy as that.
“The process is unique in the market in being so immediate and uncomplicated. And not only is the online process simple, but you don’t need to go through the usual medical, GP or family history checks that people associate with this kind of cover. Instead you can secure your cover in a matter of minutes,” he says.
The system puts customers in control. “You are in control of how long and how much you are covered for, in a simple, structured way that will pay out up to €400,000 if you pass away during the term.”
The value of mortgage protection cannot be measured in euros and cents only. “What’s really important about it is that it takes the financial burden of the mortgage off the shoulders of your loved ones in such a scenario.”
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Mortgage lenders require borrowers to have a mortgage protection policy in place, so not having it is not an option.
However while some lenders may suggest a policy from a partner organisation for you, even bundling the direct debits together in one monthly repayment, every mortgage holder has the right to shop around for mortgage protection.
This is well worth doing to ensure you are getting the best cover at the best price. And now that you can buy it online from Laya Life in a matter of minutes, it’s easier than ever to do too.
It's about providing members with the policy that best suits their needs with no fuss
Laya Life's speedy online process allows you concentrate on making a house your home. Its current campaign features testimonials from real life customers who feel it has delivered on that promise for them.
One of these, a Dubliner called Colm, tells how he and his wife were buying a house and having a baby all at the same time. “As you can imagine, it was a bit hectic trying to get things in order,” he says.
Securing Laya Life's mortgage protection in minutes on his lunch break enabled him get on with the far more important task of “turning the house into a home,” he says.
Mortgage protection insurance is not the same as life insurance, though they are sometimes confused. Life insurance, which Laya Life also offers, in an insurance policy that pays out a lump sum in the event of death. It is money that can be used for any purpose your loved ones like.
By contrast, mortgage protection is paid to your bank or building society lender. It only covers your outstanding mortgage, with no sum left over.
“Our life insurance cover follows the same easy process too, providing instant life insurance with no medical examinations. For us it’s all about taking away the complications. It’s about providing members with the policy that best suits their needs with no fuss.”
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