Carberry breaks collarbone skiing

RACING: TOP JOCKEY Paul Carberry faces a spell on the injury sidelines after breaking his collarbone in a skiing accident.

RACING:TOP JOCKEY Paul Carberry faces a spell on the injury sidelines after breaking his collarbone in a skiing accident.

The former champion rider took advantage of a quiet racing week in Ireland to go on a short skiing holiday but it has ended up costing him dearly.

He misses out on a number of rides at Naas today and faces a number of weeks on the sidelines.

“He will be out for at least three or four weeks but should be back for Cheltenham,” a representative of Carberry’s agent, Ciaran O’Toole, confirmed yesterday.


In the past, the colourful jockey – who has amassed over 1,600 winners in a professional career spanning more than 20 years – has been injured away from the racecourse too, including when missing out on the 2007 Cheltenham festival due to a hunting accident.

Brian O'Connor

Brian O'Connor

Brian O'Connor is the racing correspondent of The Irish Times. He also writes the Tipping Point column