Debating points

Voices for and against : A selection of quotations from the debate reflecting the views for and against the opening of Croke…

Voices for and against: A selection of quotations from the debate reflecting the views for and against the opening of Croke Park:

Pat Fanning (Waterford, former president): "If we open Croke Park we are sacrificing a principle on the altar of expediency."

Joe McGurn (Fermanagh): "If we are not prepared to stand up we should buy an incinerator and throw away the rule book altogether."

Eamonn McMahon (Antrim): "This is the slippery slope. Croke Park today. Could it be Semple Stadium next week and Páirc Uí Chaoimh the week after?"


Michael McDonagh (Clare): "I don't want to see my friends and relations travel to the Millennium Stadium and Old Trafford to support Irish teams.

Seán Donnelly (Dublin): "Why should we open it up? The vast majority of members, clubs and counties support it. Keeping Croke Park closed doesn't help us one iota."

Michael Greenan (Cavan, Ulster chair): "Rival sports will make 10 times more than we will. We've been very dignified about this. We haven't made a media circus out of it - like some not too far away. I'll keep going as we've been kept quiet long enough."

TJ Ward (Longford): "A 'no' vote would be unthinkable. It would hinder progress and make Croke Park the subject of bitterness and even derision.

Tommy Kenoy (Roscommon): "This has come from the grassroots. Regrettably we've been denied a referendum on this issue and I've yet to hear a valid reason why this has been denied. How can we as lifelong GAA men and Irishmen leave a state-of-the-art stadium empty while we export matches to Britain."

Seán Quirke (Wexford): "We're one of the great sporting nations and we'd really only be opening it up for our own patrons. I remember American football being played in Croke Park and I can guarantee you it hasn't caught on in Wexford. If a neighbours' house went on fire and you'd a spare room you wouldn't leave him out in the cold."

Bob Honohan (Cork): "I met a businessman who I thought would be a big supporter of other games being played in Croke Park. He said 'ye'd be mad to open it up. It would be like opening up your showroom to competitors to show their wares."

Pat Darcy (Tyrone): "Is it in our best interest to make them feel at home in Croke Park? Their failure is the issue, not ours." ...