Delaney says All-Ireland league proposal is 'divisive'

THE BACKERS of Platinum One's proposals for an all-Ireland league left the FAI's agm in Castlebar on Saturday frustrated once…

THE BACKERS of Platinum One's proposals for an all-Ireland league left the FAI's agm in Castlebar on Saturday frustrated once again by their inability to initiate a constructive dialogue on the idea with the association's chief executive, John Delaney.

Representatives of the clubs, which include most of the country's strongest, heard Delaney declare that while he was in favour of the idea in principle, he felt it was "divisive" at the current time and said he remained committed to the association's own plan to develop the League of Ireland in its present form.

He also insisted the IFA have refused to engage on the subject. Leading figures at most of the clubs involved remain convinced, however, Delaney is in fact the key stumbling block to progressing the scheme.

While declining to comment on the widely reported story that Eircom are to withdraw their backing of the league, Delaney expressed confidence the association would be in a position to unveil sponsorship deals during the next couple of months that would represent a significant step forward for the domestic game.


He also reiterated his belief the organisation would not experience any difficulties in meeting their funding commitments for the redevelopment of Lansdowne Road.

He claimed that, in addition to the association's €21 million reserves, there has been "huge interest in the 10,000 Premier tickets and the corporate boxes", that will go on sale in September and insisted, "we are going to do very well when we go to market".

There was speculation that a friendly game with a leading European nation has been secured to fill the date available to the association at Croke Park in November. The FAI obtained permission from the GAA to use the ground a couple of months back and have been anxious to line up a high-profiled game to round off a year in which they will stage only one competitive match at home.

Though it has not been confirmed, a visit by a top team would virtually guarantee a full house and a substantial profit for the organisation.

In the longer term, it is envisaged the proposed four-nation tournament involving Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will kick off with games at the new Lansdowne Road in February and May of 2011.

Giovanni Trapattoni, meanwhile, is hoping to clarify the status of Andy O'Brien and Stephen Ireland before naming his squad for the friendly against Norway in Oslo on August 20th.

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone is Work Correspondent at The Irish Times