Fans `deface' flag

Wicklow Urban Council has called on the FAI to prevent the defacement of the national flag by supporters of the Republic of Ireland…

Wicklow Urban Council has called on the FAI to prevent the defacement of the national flag by supporters of the Republic of Ireland soccer team.

It follows the adoption of a motion at a council meeting earlier in the month in which members expressed their "condemnation of the manner in which the national flag is used to advertise commercial interests at games involving Ireland's team".

It is understood that their complaint refers to the practice of people carrying flags with the names of pubs and other commercial concerns inscribed on them.

Responding to the criticism, the FAI said they were uncertain of the legality of any action to prevent such persons attending games and stressed that only a tiny minority of spectators were involved.


"We believe that our supporters treat our flag with pride and respect and will continue to do so," said chief executive Bernard O'Byrne.