Frenchman likely to get national post

A sub-committee from the FIC board, consisting of Brendan Donoghue, Dermot Dignam and Frankie Campbell - with the president, …

A sub-committee from the FIC board, consisting of Brendan Donoghue, Dermot Dignam and Frankie Campbell - with the president, Pat McQuaid, also available if required - has been set up to examine the procedure for engaging a national team director and coach.

Campbell, in addition to his position as chairman of the sporting committee, filled the role of team director in an unofficial capacity last year. But he has said he would not be able to continue, and it seems likely that a Frenchman will be appointed early in the New Year if an application for additional funding from the Irish Sports Council is successful.

Dignam said the committee has not reached a final decision: "It is not certain if it will be a Frenchman who takes over. We have CVs from two French federation coaches and they are fully qualified to take up the position. But it is not just confined to them, nobody is ruled out. "But it seems likely that the vacancy will be filled by somebody from outside the country - provided, of course, the necessary funding is available."

When Scotland's Alastair MacLennan was national team director for seven years, until his contract was not renewed at the end of 1996, he concentrated on team matters, and there was always concern over coaching. Dignam said the terms of contract for a new man are an important aspect to be considered, with back-up staff necessary as well.


The emphasis now seems to be on coaching for the future, but a lot of time and effort is required with Irish team affairs, so the appointment of the right man is imperative.

Before last month's annual general meeting of the FIC, an invitation came for an Irish team of six to go to the Tour of Malaysia again in February.

Although Campbell had said he was stepping down as team director, he was asked to do what was required regarding the Malaysia invitation. He accepted it and, as names were required by the organisers of the event before next Tuesday, Campbell chose Morgan Fox, Raymond Clarke, Andy Roche, Padraig Quinn, Les McKay and Michael Fitzgerald.

With no racing before the Malaysian tour, Campbell said it was important the top men know an Irish team is going so they can prepare, but he added that the selection is not final.