Goodbody storms ahead

Sailing Sigma European Championship: Wild and windy conditions - in others words wet, very wet - placed the 46-strong fleet …

Sailing Sigma European Championship: Wild and windy conditions - in others words wet, very wet - placed the 46-strong fleet in the Alfa Romeo Sigma European Championships on tender hooks yesterday as gale force gusts separated the field

Revelling in the conditions, Ireland's Tim Goodbody on White Mischief stormed into the overall lead with a 12-point cushion and three races still to sail.

Yesterday's three races compensated for the light winds on Tuesday and also served to break up the tightly-tied leader group. Ben Richards's Lucent from Southampton lies second but is being pressurised by Alan Milton's Pepsi who is improving.

The high winds peaked during race two when the fleet hoisted spinnakers at the windward wing mark. Those leading the race acted as trailblazers of sorts; only the very fortunate or skilled managed to avoid wiping out as spectacular broaches peppered the down-wind leg.


Those taking up the lower orders were able to look ahead, kites at the ready, think twice and power down the leg on white sails only. Holding their own under full sail paid handsome dividends for Cork's Neil Love who edged out Richards to win the race. That result marked his return to true form although the third race of the day was less of a success when War Dance towed the weather mark off station and decided to retire.

In all, day three proved to be an Irish success story with home side boats taking all three races in addition to Goodbody emerging as clear overnight leader. With the possibility of more fresh conditions today, further separation is likely.

In spite of a second place in race six, Paddy Varian and Richard Lovegrove's Rupert slipped to sixth place due to two weighty 16ths although they are on equal points with former Dublin Bay sailor David Palmer on Princess Jalina who has taken over fifth place on the tie-break.

Class newcomers on John O'Connor's Showtime remain a top-six contenders placing when a sixth and a fourth yesterday boosted the Dún Laoghaire boat in seventh overall. Howth Yacht Club's Tom Fitzpatrick ably recovered from a heavy broach in race five to finish eighth.

Another break took place when the fleet was split into Gold and Silver fleets with Mark Byrne and Ted O'Sullivan on Powder Monkey taking the overall lead of the second division just six points ahead of Peter Innesker's Retribution.

Last night's results stood marked as "provisional" due to a large number of protests, nine in all, from the cut-and-thrust day afloat.

Sigma 33 European Championship (at Royal Irish YC); Overall after six races: 1 White Mischief (T Goodbody); 2 Lucent (B Richards); 3 Pepsi (A Milton); 4 The White Tub (K Aitken); 5 Princess Jalina (D Palmer); 6 Rupert (Lovergrove and Varian).

All results provisional - subject to protests.

David Branigan

David Branigan

David Branigan is a contributor on sailing to The Irish Times