The toast of the Queen's Own Highland Regiment (formerly the Seaforth and Camerons)
Tir nam Beann, nan Gleann, 's nan Gaisgeach;
Far am faighear an t-eun fionn,
'S far am faigh am fiadh fasgadh,
Cho fada 's chitear ceo mu bheann
'S a ruitheas uisge le gleann, Mairidh cuimhne air euchd nan treun.
Slainte agus buaidh gu brath Le Gillean Chabar Feidh
Cabar Feidh Go Brath!
The land of peaks, of glens and heroes,
Where thrives the Fair Bird (Ptarmigan)
And where the red deer finds shelter
As long as mist is seen on mountains
Remembrance will be made on the deeds of the brave;
Health and victory forever
To the Boys of Cabar Feidh
Deer's Antlers Forever!
The Deer's Antlers are an emblem dating back to the Middle Ages,when King Alexander III (died 1286) was saved from being gored by an angry stag, and in gratitude awarded the crest to the MacKenzies of Seaforth.