Hold fire on transfer movements

You've already used all 10 of your transfers? Well, some might regard that as placing all your eggs in the one Golf Masters' …

You've already used all 10 of your transfers? Well, some might regard that as placing all your eggs in the one Golf Masters' basket, otherwise known as the Players' Championship. Then again, your impatience with your starting line-up and your rush to judgement on their early-season form might pay off beautifully if your new boys do you proud between now and September.

But, if you're one those managers who has held his or her transfer fire until now, waiting for the first major of the season when double the regular prize money is up for grabs, you'll have a special interest in who's in and who's out of next week's US Masters' field.

If you have access to the internet keep an eye on www.golfweb.com/tournaments/masters over the next few days for the finalised list of invitees to the Masters before you make your move in the transfer market - and, based on the experience of the last few years, we know that many of you go positively transfer crazy before a major, while sticking with what you have for rest of the season.

Bad news, we're afraid, for managers of John Daly, Corey Pavin and Steve Elkington - having played in 53 Masters between them none has qualified for this year's tournament and all three are now dependent on a last-minute invitation from the kind folk down Augusta way. All three won major championships in 1995 but their five-year exemptions into the Masters expired last year.


Jeff Sluman, Steve Pate, Tim Herron, Bob Tway, Jean Van de Velde, Glen Day and Bob Estes are seven more of the names on our players' list who have yet to receive an invitation to Augusta. Sluman tied for 18th in the 2000 Masters, with Van de Velde, Estes and Day tying for 19th - before this year that would have been enough to earn all four a return trip to the Masters but they changed the qualifying criteria so that only last year's top 16 finishers and ties were invited back.