Inquest in Australia

The blame for Australia's weekend rugby debacle against South Africa was switched to the selection panel yesterday with injured…

The blame for Australia's weekend rugby debacle against South Africa was switched to the selection panel yesterday with injured vice-captain Tim Horan criticising the selectors and the national union promising a review.

Australia's record 61-22 hiding by the Springboks in Pretoria on Saturday almost certainly means the end for coach Greg Smith, with a decision to be made formally by the Australian Rugby Union (ARU) next Monday.

But while Smith was predictably blamed for the humiliation by an outraged rugby community, Horan said that Smith was not solely responsible for the Wallabies' day of shame.

"What we've got to do in Australian rugby, barring injuries of course, is get a team and stick with it," he said, pointing out that the South African side on Saturday was virtually the same as the one beaten 32-20 by Australia three weeks ago.


Three candidates are lobbying for the national job - the Australian Capital Territory's Rod Macqueen, Queensland's John Connolly and former Wales coach Alec Evans.