Light air boosts Hennessy

A LIGHT AIR win, secured in the dying airs of yesterday evening, will do much to bolster Robin Hennessy's Dragon Gold Cup campaign…

A LIGHT AIR win, secured in the dying airs of yesterday evening, will do much to bolster Robin Hennessy's Dragon Gold Cup campaign when the international event gets underway on Dublin Bay in just seven weeks time.

Yesterday, racing in a tight fleet of 25 boats, for the Carlsberg Royal Alfred Baily Bowl, Hennessy and tactician Des Cummins put the final touches to their boat speed and with sailmaker Philip Watson on board, they produced sufficient speed to cope with the unstable winds, 15 degree shifts and strong tidal streams that predominated in Scotsman's bay.

Hennessy's overall results, including a final race win, showed him slipping out of the top to only once to give him an overall margin of 3.3 points over Royal St George clubmate Michael Cotter, who, after very consistent sailing, finished the four races series on 16 points.

Andrew Craig's third place on 22.70 new points secured the top three places for the Royal St George, with three Northern Ireland boats, including national champion Simon Brien, all outside the top five places.


It was Hennessy's second success in as many weeks. The Baily bowl title follows a victory in Cowes when the Dublin crew won the UK south coast championship against a fleet of 32 boats with four straight wins.

On the same windward/leeward courses as the Dragons, Howth boat Lemon (T Roche/R Dix) won the 14 boat 1720 class.

David O'Brien

David O'Brien

David O'Brien, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a former world Fireball sailing champion and represented Ireland in the Star keelboat at the 2000 Olympics