Men in Black: Willie Barrett

Age: 47

Age: 47

Family: Married to Joan, four children.

Club: Ardfinnan (football), Ballybacon-Grange (hurling).

Playing career: "I played junior football and hurling, but with no great success. Gave it up in 1977 to go refereeing full time."


Umpire team: Richie Boyle, Michael O'Mahony, Sean Barrett, Denis Whelan.

Match-day ritual: "We'll leave for Croke Park about 9.30. I'll have breakfast last thing before I go and I never eat again until after the game is over. It's about 130 miles from Ardfinnan and we'll head straight for Croke Park - although on Sunday (yesterday), I might call in to my daughter who lives fairly near Croke Park.

"I'll have a look at the first half of the minor game, maybe the first 10 minutes of the second half, depending on how it's going, and then head for the dressing-rooms.

"This is our fourth championship match of the year, so in the dressing-room I'll be stressing the same thing to the lads - the need to be totally, utterly focussed and mentally alert. The last thing I do before going out is put on my jersey. I'll have my whistle, cards, notebook, pencils and what have you with me, and Mike O'Mahony (umpire) always has spares, so I know exactly where to go if I need replacements. Mike also keeps the scores as well."

Career highlights: "I refereed the '94 final, the 20-minute final, between Offaly and Limerick. I also did the under-21 final in '92 and the minor final of 1990. Sunday will be my fifth semi-final of the last 10 years."

Career lowlights: "I've been refereeing for 23 years, so there have been moments when I've made bad mistakes. Sometimes when I watch back on some decisions on television, I cringe. But you have to live with your mistakes and rise above them the next day you go out."

If there was one rule in the game that you could change, what would it be? "I'd definitely introduce a hooter. Somebody should be up in the stand keeping the time."