Spotted on an Arsenal website: tunes Arsenal fans plan to sing when they travel up to Old Trafford next week. "Davie Becks, superstar, wears women's pants and a ban-dan-a"; "Thong when you're winning, you wear a thong when you're winning"; "Ooh ah, pants and bra, Say Ooh ah pants and bra" and "Que sera, sera, whatever will be will be, his buttocks are chill-y, que sera, sera."
And, to the tune of (Walkin' in a) Winter Wonderland: "Lacy things the wife is missin', didn't ask her permission, I'm wearin' her clothes, her silk pantyhose, walkin' 'round in women's underwear. In the store there's a teddy, little straps like spaghetti, it holds me so tight, like handcuffs at night, walkin' 'round in women's underwear."