Tributes of the summer

"Howard's team talks were so boring and went on for so long that, by the end, I had forgotten how they had started."

"Howard's team talks were so boring and went on for so long that, by the end, I had forgotten how they had started."

- Leeds' David Batty on Howard Wilkinson.

"The boys look as fit as butchers' dogs. As for David? Well, it depends on which butcher's you shop at."

- John Gregory on David Ginola.


"I've heard some of Victoria's new album and it's frightening."

- David Beckham on Posh Spice's latest musical offering.

"I admire the parks here although on my way to the city from my home in Chigwell I pass such neglected Arab districts that I instinctively press my foot on the accelerator."

- Sergei Rebrov on life in London.