Velvet Glove holds master hand

Gale-force winds swept Colm Barrington's Velvet Glove back into the overall lead in class one of ISORA week but yesterday's strong…

Gale-force winds swept Colm Barrington's Velvet Glove back into the overall lead in class one of ISORA week but yesterday's strong north-westerly gusts dealt a blow to class two leader Space Odyssey, skippered by Shay Moran, who was dismasted at the start of yesterday's 33-mile mini-offshore race.

As the fleet approached the Bennet bank off Dublin Bay for the second time, it was obvious that Velvet Glove was not only a clear class winner but was also going to outpace the bigger yachts in class zero, too.

By the South Burford mark, Barrington's 30-footer was fourth boat on the water and by the Howth finish he was clearly reinstated at the top of the leader board with an overall score of four first places after discard.

In class two, the National Yacht Club's Humphrey Go-Kart (E Crosbie) lost her rudder close to the Bennet bank and was towed home by the Lifeboat.


On Belfast Lough, Equity (R Greene) the only boat from the Republic to compete in Bangor Week is now lying fourth overall in class on 25 points with the discard applied from 3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 4, and 5.

The ISA's ISAF Youth World team did not leave Kuopio, Finland, empty-handed. For the second year running an Irish pair has won the Prince Henry the Navigator trophy. Clodagh O'Driscoll and Joanna Nelson of Schull Community College SC won the prize for showing exemplary sportsmanship throughout all the races.

David O'Brien

David O'Brien

David O'Brien, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a former world Fireball sailing champion and represented Ireland in the Star keelboat at the 2000 Olympics