Website for sore eyes

Norman Adams is an American who likes the humorous side of golf

Norman Adams is an American who likes the humorous side of golf. A few weeks ago he was on honeymoon in Ireland and, naturally enough, took to reading The Irish Times where he was quite taken with a little look we had at some of the more amusing tales and jokes with which golfers worldwide could relate.

Anyway, Norm was in touch to let us know about a website he founded which, indeed, enables golfers to enjoy a lighter side to the game. His site can be accessed at and tells us all about those ghastly little creatures - the golflins - that cause so much distress to players.

Never heard of a golflin? Well, the story goes that, many years ago, Mother Nature "looked down and saw how special was the game of golf, and (how) it could make an excellent tool to refine human character. She gathered all her charges, leprechauns, elves, fairies et cetera and asked them to consider forming a group to work with this great game".

So, a group of animal-like characters was formed with the mission to travel around courses "altering the outcome of golfers' shots to test their character". Once Mother Nature noticed players throwing clubs, cursing and, in serious cases, walking off the course, she decided it was time to let humans in on her little secret.


Welcome to the Golflins clan! The family consists of "Courselins", "Teelins", "Fairlins", "Treelins", "Hazlins", "Bunkins" and "Greenlins". Golfins, apparently, are two to three inches in height, look similar to woodland animals and are invisible (except by golfers in a fit of rage who possess mystical powers allowing them to witness the creatures altering their shots). Norm warns people: "Ignoring them is not a tactic. Try fooling them, laugh a lot and have fun."

Here's a simple guide to the golflins. "Courselins" love to pull balls and tees out of your bag, throwing them about, pushing your bag over, tying your shoelaces in knots, locking your keys in the car. All kinds of things to make the day special.

"Teelins" live on the tee-box. They love to push your ball off the tee, ride your ball as it flies down the fairway directing it to slice, hook or dive into a bunker. No wonder people have problems with their driver.

"Fairlins" love to push your ball into divots and, generally, to ruin your approach shots while "Teelins" grab your ball when it comes close to the trees. You can never tell if they are going to send your ball further into the woods or throw it out onto the fairway. "Hazlins" are devious creatures who take great delight in directing your shots into water and "Bunkins" are "lovely little creatures" who enjoy burying your ball or pushing it up against the edge of a trap.

And "Greenlins"? Well, they rule the putting surface, decide whether or not your ball is going to stay on the green, or fall into the hole.

To get with it, and even purchase merchandise with the golfins cartoon characters, access this gem of a site.

Philip Reid

Philip Reid

Philip Reid is Golf Correspondent of The Irish Times