You can even do this one at home folks - in the care-free environment of your own bed. No tablets, no injections, no catheters just pure sleep and you too can go faster, jump higher and lift heavier. It's so easy. Simply hook up your bedroom to a special generator which pumps in air with a reduced oxygen content.
By sleeping in the low oxygen environment you, like other top endurance athletes can get the benefits of training at altitude without the cost or effort. It also delays the build up of lactic acid. That, for you and me folks, is muscle stiffness.
According to Hypoxico Inc. which sells the generator, the system can boost performance by as much as five per cent. For a 5,000 metre runner, that equates to - wait for it - 39 seconds!
Hook up now for $6,000 as Paula Radcliffe has and don't be left behind.
P.S. Ensure oxygen dosage is above life-sustaining levels.