Administration sought for BatterseaTWO OF the creditors that are seeking to have Irish-owned Battersea Power Station placed in administration indicated yesterday…Fri Dec 02 2011 - 00:00
C&F books €7m profit as company eyes renewable energy openingsCONTRACT MANUFACTURER CF made close to €7 million profits last year and is gearing up to enter renewable energy markets in Britain…Fri Dec 02 2011 - 00:00
ESB unions in 'dispute' after talks over cuts failSTATE ENERGY company ESB’s unions say they are in dispute with the company after efforts to cut €140 million from its payroll…Fri Dec 02 2011 - 00:00
Nama and Lloyd's Bank set to take control of Battersea power plantSTATE ASSETS agency Nama and Lloyd’s Bank are poised to take control of Battersea power plant, the €600 million property part…Thu Dec 01 2011 - 00:00
Insurer pays millions to Superquinn creditorsONE INSURER has paid out “millions” to Superquinn creditors who lost out when the supermarket chain was placed in receivership…Tue Nov 29 2011 - 00:00
Associated posts €520,000 loss in hardware sectorA €1 million charge for restructuring its business left independent builders’ merchants and DIY specialist, Associated Hardware…Sat Nov 26 2011 - 00:00
Group in prison contract row faces winding-up threatA CREDITOR has threatened Glenbeigh Construction, the group that was at the centre of a political row over prison building contracts…Sat Nov 26 2011 - 00:00
Xtra-vision losses top €3m but firm on track to show profitHOME ENTERTAINMENT chain Xtra-vision lost more than €3 million in 2010, but expects to make a profit this year after restructuring…Fri Nov 25 2011 - 00:00
Nama and UK bank to decide fate of BatterseaSTATE ASSETS agency Nama and Lloyds Bank are likely to decide within weeks on the future of Battersea Power Station, the landmark…Fri Nov 25 2011 - 00:00
Electricity link could offer economic boostTHE DEVELOPMENT of an electricity grid connecting Ireland and Scotland could boost both countries’ economies, according to a …Thu Nov 24 2011 - 00:00
Oil firms see Ireland as high risk locationMULTINATIONAL OIL and gas companies regard Ireland as a high-risk, unrewarding and difficult place for exploration, an industry…Wed Nov 23 2011 - 00:00
Apollo Global and Goldman Sachs pool resources in bid for MBNA operationsTWO US companies have joined forces to bid for the MBNA credit card operations in Ireland and Britain which Bank of America put…Wed Nov 23 2011 - 00:00
CRH performs well but Iseq reflects mood of uncertaintyIseq: 2555.09 (-52.02) Settlement Date: November 24th CONTINUING uncertainty over the euro zone and fears that US lawmakers …Tue Nov 22 2011 - 00:00
First stage of €240m Eirgrid tender closesSTATE AGENCY Eirgrid is in the final stages of tendering for consultants and engineers to work on the first phase of a €240 million…Mon Nov 21 2011 - 00:00
Iseq outperfoms European marketsThe Dublin market outperformed most European bourses today, despite trading which traders described as “nervous” and “scrappy…Mon Nov 21 2011 - 00:00
Kentz has €1.8bn of contracts on booksENGINEERING AND instrumentation group Kentz has a pipeline of close to $2.4 billion (€1Sat Nov 19 2011 - 00:00
Netflix facing copyright hurdlesONLINE ENTERTAINMENT group Netflix still faces important copyright hurdles before it enters the Irish and British markets early…Fri Nov 18 2011 - 00:00
Low volumes traded mirror trend across rest of EuropeIseq: 2638.62 (-40.74) Settlement date: November 22nd THE DUBLIN market followed the rest of Europe yesterday as many investors…Fri Nov 18 2011 - 00:00
Interest shown in pharmacy groupA NUMBER of potential suitors are interested in investing in the troubled McSweeney pharmacy groupFri Nov 18 2011 - 00:00
Centrica may be planning bid for Bord Gáis stakeBRITISH UTILITY Centrica is understood to be interested in moving into the Irish market, and may be prepared to bid for a stake…Wed Nov 16 2011 - 00:00
Kingspan expects 2011 profits to rise by up to 25%PROFITS AT Kingspan could be up to 25 per higher in 2011, the insulation and building materials specialist said yesterday, but…Tue Nov 15 2011 - 00:00
Exxon Kurdistan entry likely to rally Petroceltic interestOIL GIANT Exxon Mobil’s confirmation at the weekend that it has entered Kurdistan is likely to boost interest in Irish explorer…Mon Nov 14 2011 - 00:00
Fleming gave assets to creditorsFORMER DEVELOPER John Fleming handed over his home and virtually all his personal assets to his creditors in the course of his…Sat Nov 12 2011 - 00:00
Grafton begins series of investor meetingsLISTED DO-IT-YOURSELF specialist and builders’ merchant Grafton is running a series of roadshows for investors over the next …Sat Nov 12 2011 - 00:00
Receiver appointed to site at centre of disputeNATIONAL IRISH Bank has appointed a receiver to a site that was the subject of a dispute between the institution, building group…Fri Nov 11 2011 - 00:00
John Fleming released from UK bankruptcyDEVELOPER JOHN Fleming, whose businesses were placed in liquidation last year with debts of €1 billion, was discharged from bankruptcy…Fri Nov 11 2011 - 00:00
CRH's London move to pave way for entry to FTSEIRELAND’S LARGEST publicly quoted company, CRH, plans to switch its primary stock exchange listing to London from Dublin, paving…Wed Nov 09 2011 - 00:00
DCC says mild weather to hit profitsENERGY AND distribution group DCC expects this year’s profits to fall 5 per cent, unless last winter’s big freeze makes a return…Wed Nov 09 2011 - 00:00
Judgments filed against 'Business & Finance' companyA NUMBER of creditors have registered judgments against one of the companies in the group that publishes Business & Finance…Sat Nov 05 2011 - 00:00
Sherry FitzGerald to sell London agencyESTATE AGENT Sherry FitzGerald is set to sell its London business in a deal that will net the Irish company more than €44 million…Sat Nov 05 2011 - 00:00
Boylesports to buy William Hill betting shops for €1.5mBOOKMAKER BOYLESPORTS plans to buy British rival William Hill’s remaining 15 betting shops in the Republic for €1Fri Nov 04 2011 - 00:00
State revenue below target despite €2bn tax boostEXTRA TAXES and levies increased the amount of cash flowing into State coffers by €2 billion to €26Thu Nov 03 2011 - 00:00
Eircom pays State €115,000 for failure to meet fault repairs targetsEIRCOM HAS paid €115,000 to the State for its failure to meet agreed targets for repairing faults in the Republic’s telecoms …Thu Nov 03 2011 - 00:00
Boylesports to take over William Hill shopsBookmaker Boylesports is taking over 15 betting shops owned by rival William Hill in the Republic in a deal that the Irish company…Thu Nov 03 2011 - 00:00
Exchequer deficit at €22.6 billionTotal Exchequer income in the first 10 months of the year was €28.9 billion, 14 per cent up on the €27Wed Nov 02 2011 - 00:00
Iseq slips as investors hold fire ahead of G20 summitIseq: 2,724.66 (–31.19) Settlement date: November 3rdTue Nov 01 2011 - 00:00
Investment manager attracts €75m since AprilPRIVATE CLIENT investment manager Smith Williamson is now managing €75 million on behalf of 80 families after starting to operate…Tue Nov 01 2011 - 00:00
Quinn creditors approve debt proposalsCREDITORS OF Quinn Group yesterday approved a proposal to restructure the troubled manufacturing and financial services group…Tue Nov 01 2011 - 00:00
Donegal Creameries milk and retail divisions soldCONNACHT GOLD is set to buy Donegal Creameries’ milk and retail businesses in a deal worth a potential €21 million.Tue Nov 01 2011 - 00:00
Treasury China Trust tops $15mINCOME AT Treasury China Trust, the property investment vehicle backed by Treasury Holdings, rose 46 per cent to top $15 million…Tue Nov 01 2011 - 00:00
Tullow Oil in Mauritania dealEXPLORATION GROUP Tullow Oil is set to boost its presence in west Africa after signing a new agreement with the Mauritanian government…Tue Nov 01 2011 - 00:00
Electricity exports could mean Irish pay 'subsidies'CURRENT FINANCIAL supports for wind energy could result in Irish consumers subsidising British electricity users if plans to …Tue Nov 01 2011 - 00:00
Celtic Biotech to start snake venom cancer drug trialsAN IRISH biotech company will this week begin human trials of a new cancer treatment derived from rattlesnake venom.Fri Oct 28 2011 - 01:00
Fennell appointed to troubled pub firmAIB HAS appointed Ken Fennell of Kavanagh Fennell to Dublin pub and property business GraingersFri Oct 28 2011 - 01:00
Profits down at engineering and architecture firm PMPROFITS AT engineering and architecture specialist PM Group fell 11 per cent to €7 million last year, its latest figures show…Thu Oct 27 2011 - 01:00
New chief executive appointed at ESBESB ENERGY International executive director Pat O’Doherty is to succeed Pádraig McManus as the State energy company’s chief executive…Thu Oct 27 2011 - 01:00
REO says Nama deal is closeTREASURY HOLDINGS-backed Real Estate Opportunities (REO) is close to finalising terms for the repayment of its €900 million debt…Thu Oct 27 2011 - 01:00
Linking to EU network may cut cost of electricityGREATER INTEGRATION with the European electricity market could help cut wholesale prices in the Republic, according to the latest…Wed Oct 26 2011 - 01:00
Bills push aerodrome into liquidationPROPERTY MAGNATE Jim Mansfield’s Weston Aerodrome is in liquidation after it emerged that the business could not pay the legal…Tue Oct 25 2011 - 01:00