Good showing from CRH and banks helps index advanceDUBLIN REPORT: Iseq: 2,948.45 (+48Wed Jul 14 2010 - 01:00
Growth in Britain sees Grafton profits rebound in second quarterPROFITS AT DIY and builders’ merchants specialist Grafton rebounded in the second quarter after a poor performance in the opening…Wed Jul 14 2010 - 01:00
Quinn company fined for price-fixingBELGIAN AUTHORITIES have fined part of the troubled Quinn Group for conspiring with three of its rivals to fix the price of radiators…Wed Jul 14 2010 - 01:00
Lending plan gets cautious welcomeBUSINESS REACTION: BUSINESS LOBBY groups cautiously welcomed Government plans to have the banks lend €12 billion to small and…Wed Jul 14 2010 - 01:00
CRH boosts Iseq performanceThe Irish market looked set to outperform peers today as a strong performance from leading stock, CRH, and the banks helped lift…Tue Jul 13 2010 - 01:00
Abu Dhabi hospital block worth €60m next for SiskIRISH CONSTRUCTION group, Sisk, is set to build a new €60 million hospital block in Abu Dhabi for an international healthcare…Fri Jul 09 2010 - 01:00
Sisk 'happy' despite 56% fall in profits to €10mPROFITS AT building and civil engineering group Sisk fell by more than 50 per cent last year to €10 million, but the company …Fri Jul 09 2010 - 01:00
SIAC seeks contracts to build Polish motorwaysIRISH COMPANY SIAC is in the running for a number of motorway building contracts in Poland and recently began looking at opportunities…Fri Jul 09 2010 - 01:00
AIB, BoI unlikely to pass EU stress test - analystAIB AND Bank of Ireland are likely to be among 20 banks that will fail EU tests to see how well European financial institutions…Fri Jul 09 2010 - 01:00
CRH says first-half profits to match 2009 but sales declineBUILDING MATERIALS giant CRH expects profits for the first half of the year to stay in line with the €108 million it earned during…Thu Jul 08 2010 - 01:00
ESB may have to hand over some assets to EirgridANALYSIS: Yesterday’s deal means the ESB will ultimately own both systems North and SouthThu Jul 08 2010 - 01:00
ESB to buy North's electricity operator for €1.25bnTHE ESB is likely to tap international bond markets to help fund its proposed €1Thu Jul 08 2010 - 01:00
Conditional green light for Tullow Oil Uganda dealTHE UGANDAN government has given Irish explorer Tullow a conditional green light to go ahead with its $1.5 billion (€1Wed Jul 07 2010 - 01:00
Debt body recommends mortgage arrears processGOVERNMENT PROPOSALS to help people who cannot pay their mortgages do not require banks to extend an existing one-year wait before…Wed Jul 07 2010 - 01:00
St Vincent's CF unit stalls over builderPLANS FOR a specialist cystic fibrosis treatment unit face the possibility of further delays after the hospital involved moved…Tue Jul 06 2010 - 01:00
Fewer Nama loans making incomeTaxpayers are facing the possibility of losing several hundred million euro through the State’s toxic property loans agency, …Mon Jul 05 2010 - 01:00
€70m to be invested in motorway service sitesSERVICE STATION retailer Applegreen, building contractor Pierse and Top Oil plan to invest €70 million in a public-private deal…Mon Jul 05 2010 - 01:00
Turbine trouble for OpenhydroIRISH GREEN energy company Openhydro’s efforts to develop a system to generate electricity from tidal power met a setback recently…Mon Jul 05 2010 - 01:00
Transfer of ESB's grid may cost up to €150mSPLITTING UP the ESB will cost the State energy company up to €150 million, consultants hired by a group representing worker …Mon Jul 05 2010 - 01:00
Nama losses may amount to several hundred million euroTAXPAYERS ARE facing the possibility of losing several hundred million euro through the State’s toxic property loans agency, …Mon Jul 05 2010 - 01:00
Property prices continue to fallHOUSE PRICES continued to fall in the second three months of the year, dipping almost 3Mon Jul 05 2010 - 01:00
Electricity customers to pay €60m extra for wind powerELECTRICITY customers will have to pay €60 million extra for wind power and €90 million more for peat generation from next autumn…Mon Jul 05 2010 - 01:00
Petroceltic dips 12% on Italian drill banEXPLORER PETROCELTIC’S share price dropped over 12 per cent yesterday after the company announced that an Italian government …Fri Jul 02 2010 - 01:00
VHI had 2009 losses of almost €42mSTATE-CONTROLLED HEALTH insurer VHI ended 2009 almost €42 million in the red and lost 120,000 customers during the year, its …Fri Jul 02 2010 - 01:00
Healthcare costs to grow by '6% to 7%' annuallyTHE COST of healthcare will hit €37 billion in 2020 and will grow at between 6 per cent and 7 per cent a year over the next decade…Fri Jul 02 2010 - 01:00
Receiver for restaurants Asian chain still tradingPROBLEMS WITH its overseas operations have contributed to forcing Asian restaurant chain Mao into receivership.Fri Jul 02 2010 - 01:00
Key electricity link faces long delay over Eirgrid errorDEVELOPMENT OF a critical piece of the State’s electricity network faces a long delay as a result of a mistake by the State company…Wed Jun 30 2010 - 01:00
Property firm €10m in red when receiver namedTHE PROPERTY company behind the bid to redevelop Finglas Shopping Centre in Dublin was €10 million in the red when a receiver…Tue Jun 29 2010 - 01:00
O'Brien's outlets in UK to be wound upTWO O’BRIEN’S sandwich bar companies in Britain are set to be wound up after a year-long administration process that resulted…Tue Jun 29 2010 - 01:00
Wexford traders top financial spread betting leagueWEXFORD’S SPREAD traders are the sharpest in the Republic, while their rivals in Dublin, the centre of the State’s financial …Mon Jun 28 2010 - 01:00
Lenihan to change financial Bill on advice of ECBMINISTER FOR Finance Brian Lenihan is set to change legislation designed to reform the State’s financial regulation on the advice…Sat Jun 26 2010 - 01:00
Only 7,500 new houses to be built in Republic this year, experts predictTHE NUMBER of new houses built in the Republic could slump to 7,500 this year, while employment in construction as a whole is…Sat Jun 26 2010 - 01:00
EU to discuss toughening safety rules for offshore oil drillingTHE EU Commission is meeting oil industry representatives today to discuss toughening regulations and safety standards for drilling…Fri Jun 25 2010 - 01:00
High-profile developers seeking capital from NamaTAXPAYERS MAY have to provide money to a company backed by high-profile developers John Ronan and Richard Barrett through the…Thu Jun 24 2010 - 01:00
Pharmacies seek arbitration over €50m takeoverONE OF the State’s best known pharmacy chains is heading for arbitration proceedings next week following the failure of a €50…Wed Jun 23 2010 - 01:00
Business and unions call for jobs boostBUSINESS AND trade unions say that now is an ideal time to boost employment by stepping up spending on State building projects…Tue Jun 22 2010 - 01:00
Regulator and Central Bank to be merged in new regimeBANKING ENFORCEMENT: BANKS FACE more challenging regulation and tougher enforcement under the new regime proposed by the State…Tue Jun 22 2010 - 01:00
Electricity prices may rise over green levyA PROPOSAL to pay for green energy incentives and supports for peat-fired power plants could add €40 a year to consumers’ electricity…Tue Jun 15 2010 - 01:00
ESB says carbon-free future viableIRELAND IS unlikely to have to pay as much for the transition to a carbon-free energy system as many other European countries…Tue Jun 15 2010 - 01:00
Bord Gáis launches energy indexA new energy index designed to track movement in the wholesale energy market has been launched by Bord Gáis.Mon Jun 14 2010 - 01:00
Barclays to back €35m wind farm in TyroneUK BANK Barclays is backing a €35 million wind farm development in Tyrone – the biggest project of its kind to get off the ground…Mon Jun 14 2010 - 01:00
Carr communications turnover down €1mCARR COMMUNICATIONS, the PR and media training agency known for polishing politicians’ images, made just €13,000 profit in its…Sat Jun 12 2010 - 01:00
TVC boosted by Norkom and UTV share price gainsINCREASES IN the share prices of Norkom and UTV helped boost the value of listed investment vehicle TVC in the 12 months ended…Fri Jun 11 2010 - 01:00
Liquidator and receiver appointed to take control of A1 Waste groupA LIQUIDATOR and receiver this week took control of A1 Waste group, one of the biggest operators in its sector in the Leinster…Fri Jun 11 2010 - 01:00
Fewer than 10,000 homes may be built this yearFEWER THAN 10,000 homes could be built in the Republic this year, placing the State at the bottom of the European residential…Wed Jun 09 2010 - 01:00
Losses at builders' provider hit €1.4mLOSSES AT builders’ merchant and DIY group Dublin Providers Ltd (DPL) more than trebled to €1Sat Jun 05 2010 - 01:00
Siac Holdings makes pretax profit of €5mSIAC HOLDINGS, the lead contractor on the M3 motorway, which opened yesterday, made €5 million in profits last year.Sat Jun 05 2010 - 01:00
Nama to examine developers' plans to repay €15bnNAMA WILL shortly begin scrutinising developers’ proposals for repaying the €15 billion they owe to the State agency on foot …Sat Jun 05 2010 - 01:00
A1 Waste firms face being wound upTWO COMPANIES behind A1 Waste, one of the biggest operators in the waste management sector, face being wound up over the coming…Fri Jun 04 2010 - 01:00
Petroceltic will raise €21m to develop Italian oil wellEXPLORATION GROUP Petroceltic will raise €21 million from two new investors to develop its oil interests off the Italian coast…Wed Jun 02 2010 - 01:00