The Family and Care amendments aren’t worthy of our ConstitutionThe government has failed to demonstrate that the amendments are worthy of being included in our fundamental statement of valuesSun Mar 03 2024 - 06:30
AI is generating ‘100 bombing targets a day’ for the Israeli army in GazaAttention has been focused on the havoc AI can wreak on elections. But maybe we should have been concerned with its impact on warSun Feb 25 2024 - 07:00
Family referendum: I’m voting No because I will not be hypocritical about marriageAdvocating for marriage or even stable, two-parent families is seen as mean-spirited, judgmental and meddlesome, but ignoring the evidence helps no-oneSun Feb 18 2024 - 06:00
John Bruton’s blog is a treasure trove of wisdom, decency, good humour and the odd rebukeLate Taoiseach wondered why the Irish reaction to a challenge to the consensus was to look for ulterior motivesSun Feb 11 2024 - 05:45
Ireland is not full. Neither does it have to be full of fearWhile many Irish people have reservations about the Coalition’s immigration policy, this unease is not the same as racismSun Feb 04 2024 - 06:45
Meet the son of an Irish emigrant playing Jesus in the most successful crowdfunded series in historyThe Chosen has over 200 million unique viewers and has been translated into more than 50 languages. But you’ve probably never heard of itSun Jan 28 2024 - 07:00
Declining numbers of priests and nuns is bad for the church. But a drop in lay people is worseRecent RTÉ documentaries on the Last Priests and Last Nuns in Ireland showed signs we are ready to embrace the positive contributions of the Catholic ChurchSun Jan 21 2024 - 06:00
A Yes vote would remove two of three references to ‘home’ in the Constitution. This is no accidentA cynic might think the proposed wording reflects that the prospect of owning a home is slipping out of reach for so manySun Jan 14 2024 - 07:00
You’re not imagining it - the internet really is getting worse. Here’s whyThe state of the internet isn’t merely depressing. Given that the US, India, the UK and more than 35 other countries possibly including Ireland are facing elections this year, it is also scarySun Jan 07 2024 - 07:00
This Christmas, spare the young adults in your life the message that they are unique and specialIf you look at the original nativity scene, you do not see the weight of toxic individualism and judgmentSun Dec 24 2023 - 06:00
Euthanasia might be motivated by compassion, but it’s not the most compassionate answerWe don’t need assisted suicide. We need a functioning health service with palliative care for allSun Dec 17 2023 - 06:00
School principals are burned out, depressed and overworked. Something needs to changeIn interviews, principals are asked what they would do if confronted by two students trapped in a lift, a parent calling about a child alleged bullying and three teachers off sick when the inspector arrives. That’s a quiet morningSun Dec 10 2023 - 07:00
Expensive brands are markers of a society that values all the wrong thingsOur collective values both nationally and globally are skewed. As globalisation falters, there is an opportunity for changeSun Dec 03 2023 - 07:30
Artificial intelligence is only as awful as the humans who created itWe should focus less on the terrors of AI and more on the astonishing hubris of those who have created and unleashed itSun Nov 26 2023 - 07:00
To overlook role of religion in the conflict in Gaza would be a mistakeReligion is an important strand in a complex tapestry of motivations that include land, power and resourcesSun Nov 12 2023 - 06:30
We could all learn something about managing conflict from the Vatican’s bootcampSynod on synodality offered a masterclass in listening and was a reminder that conversation needs an imaginative leap into the experience of the other personSun Nov 05 2023 - 07:00
Decriminalise drugs? We haven’t even learned how to handle our drinkHeavy episodic drinking is better known in Ireland as a great night outSun Oct 29 2023 - 07:00
What is going on with bizarre grade deflation in the junior cycle?A distinction in the Junior Cycle and a H1 at Leaving Cert both represent marks over 90. So why is one much harder to get than the other?Sun Oct 22 2023 - 06:00
A devastating diagnosis leads to disenfranchised grief for parents, but there is helpOrganisations such as Every Life Counts are vital in helping families to negotiate their way through a devastating diagnosisSun Oct 15 2023 - 07:00
Labels like liberal versus conservative do not fit Pope Francis or the Church he leadsThe most important gathering of the Church since the Second Vatican Council is under way in RomeSun Oct 08 2023 - 07:00
If AI teachers ever learn to care about students, that will be the least of our worriesLatest AI learning tools don’t just offer answers, they prompt students to figure things out for themselvesSun Oct 01 2023 - 07:00
It shouldn’t have taken Russell Brand to reveal the ugly truth about the sexual revolutionIt didn’t occur to some feminists until too late that there was little that was feminist about adopting a male paradigm of commitment-free sexualitySun Sept 24 2023 - 07:00
Referendums tend to be expensive acts of social signalling – with one exception Pro-lifers are sometimes accused of only caring about children up to the moment of birth. Irish society in general doesn’t seem to care too much for children after birthSun Sept 17 2023 - 07:00
There’s a reason young voters are flocking to Sinn Féin not Fine Gael - it has nothing to do with age gap between leadersVoters don’t tend to consider a politician’s age, otherwise how to explain the appeal of Bernie Sanders and Michael D Higgins to the young?Sun Sept 10 2023 - 07:00
When will there be ever a good time to end the ‘Norma bonus’?Important distinction to be made between adjustments to assessment process and those made after to markingSun Sept 03 2023 - 07:00
Breda O’Brien: When was the last time you saw children playing outside unsupervised?Children have more autonomy about what they eat or wear, but less independence in real termsSun Aug 27 2023 - 07:00
Breda O’Brien: Sinéad O’Connor was a prophetic voice in the Old Testament senseThe Church’s ongoing failure to acknowledge fully the harm caused by sexual abuse continues to overshadow everythingSun Aug 06 2023 - 07:00
Breda O’Brien: I punched Barbie in her perfect face and have no regretsThere are spoilers for Greta Gerwig’s Barbie here, so don't read until you've dressed in pink and gone to see itSun Jul 30 2023 - 06:30
Breda O’Brien: The most successful streamed series you’ve never heard of. It’s about JesusThe Chosen has good production values and was completed despite Hollywood’s blind spot for faith-based dramaSat Jul 22 2023 - 05:00
Groups of men are sexually exploiting children in residential care. Where is the outrage?While the country is convulsed with events at RTÉ, a far bigger scandal has passed by without due attentionSun Jul 16 2023 - 06:30
Tragedies in Greece have left a school community to navigate the long, winding valley of griefAfter the deaths of two St Michael’s College students in separate incidents in Greece, their friends and school community are grappling with the jagged sense of lives cut off too soonSat Jul 08 2023 - 20:30
Anyone who believes RTÉ is ideologically conservative is blind and deafBreda O’Brien: It is hard for those with a self-image of being radicals to realise that they are now the establishmentSun Jul 02 2023 - 06:00
Do Citizens’ Assemblies offer the public a stake or just more liberal groupthink?Breda O’Brien: Even when people are trying to be scrupulously fair, it is virtually impossible to be free of the conditioning of an influential eliteSun Jun 25 2023 - 07:45
Ridiculously challenging Leaving Cert maths exam is no way to build resilienceParents are intervening too quickly to solve their teenagers’ problems. Not every squabble is about bullyingSun Jun 18 2023 - 06:45
Teachers are approaching burnout. Another half-baked educational reform will break themWe should be thankful people still want to be teachers, instead of making it almost impossible for them to live while trainingSat Jun 10 2023 - 05:00
Influence of religion may be waning, but this is far from a secular paradiseBreda O’Brien: The real headline is not the decline of Catholicism but the subtle and not-so-subtle ways our society is being shaped by the object of veneration that is replacing it - capitalismSat Jun 03 2023 - 03:00
Children don’t need bouncy castles so much as to feel part of something biggerBreda O’Brien: There should be more to life than being manipulated by algorithms to consume moreSat May 27 2023 - 05:00
When do children first get exposed to pornography? When they get a phoneEmbarrassing as it is, research shows children want their parents to speak to them about pornographySat May 20 2023 - 05:00
A chatbot that can advise teenagers how to hide pot and lose their virginity? Nothing creepy about that at allBreda O’Brien: Teenagers, not known for their extensive fact-checking or emotional balance, are expected to train Snapchat’s My AI monster for freeSat May 13 2023 - 03:00
Breda O’Brien: Why is it so hard to believe anti-abortion people are just as motivated by human rights?Let’s stop presuming bad faith. The gulf between those who are pro-choice and pro-life isn’t as wide as it sometimes appearsSat May 06 2023 - 03:00
Breda O’Brien: Abortion review is right about one thing – women’s needs are not being metWomen are being failed on systemic level, leading some to feel that their only, despairing choice is abortionSat Apr 29 2023 - 00:45
Ireland has a chance to learn from other countries on assisted dying Breda O’Brien: Canada, the Netherlands and Belgium are troubling indicators of what could happen in IrelandSat Apr 22 2023 - 00:00
Family is the most important factor in having a belief in God Where people were raised by people with visible, sincere, practical faith, they were far less likely to lose their faith in GodSat Apr 08 2023 - 12:00
Pope Francis puffer jacket image suggests we are in trouble when it comes to AI disinformationFrancis is earnestly trying to provide a moral compass, an antidote to the individualism and consumerism that is posing an undeniable threat to our shared, fragile planetFri Mar 31 2023 - 13:32
Breda O’Brien: Micheál Martin needs to swot up on home education before he speaks outThe Burke family are far from representative of the diverse homeschool movement, which in some cases can be far more effective than schoolSat Mar 25 2023 - 00:00
Breda O’Brien: Pope Francis wants a church that gets its hands dirty Church must offer an alterative to contemporary values if it wants to help teenagers grappling with anxiety and frightening levels of meaninglessnessSat Mar 18 2023 - 00:00
Referendum will make women who work full-time in the home feel even less valuedReferendum is likely to devalue the work of mothers and fathers even more, by subsuming their specific roles into a generic caring roleFri Mar 10 2023 - 13:15
State needs an honest investigation of its abortion counselling servicesAre women being informed about all their options - such as continuing a pregnancy or considering adoption - by State-provided services?Sat Mar 04 2023 - 00:01
Nicola Sturgeon stepped away from ‘brutality’ of politics. Kate Forbes stepped right into itBreda O’Brien: It is not enough for Kate Forbes to be talented. She must also avoid thoughtcrimeSat Feb 25 2023 - 00:00
Ireland must advocate for Nicaraguan prisoners who resisted Ortega’s ‘dictatorship’Persecution of Catholic Church, including jailing of Bishop Rolando Álvarez, must be challengedSat Feb 18 2023 - 00:00