Time for real educational consultation and forward planningThe debacle this week in education shows a dangerous weakness in governmental planning for educationSat Jan 09 2021 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: We must acknowledge those we lost during Covid-19Planning rituals to acknowledge loss would be a sign of hope and resilienceSat Dec 26 2020 - 01:00
Breda O'Brien: Does charity perpetuate unjust systems?Without radical societal change, charity will always be inadequateSat Dec 19 2020 - 01:00
Sexual ethics are about more than consentVlogger posting a video of her naked three-year-old self demonstrates the limits of this approachSat Dec 12 2020 - 01:00
Time for bigger dreams in a post-Covid worldAusten Ivereigh has produced an unusual collaboration with Pope FrancisSat Dec 05 2020 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Data collection on abortion is a travestyAnalysis of complications in women and trauma of foeticide specialists vitalSat Nov 28 2020 - 02:00
Breda O’Brien: Students, teachers and management are exhaustedHigh time for a slightly longer break over the festive period as it would give everyone a liftFri Nov 20 2020 - 14:44
Joe Biden needs to prioritise families on the wrong side of the wealth divideDemocrats did badly in congressional elections as they are perceived as elitists in thrall to woke valuesSat Nov 14 2020 - 01:00
Coney Barrett unfairly targeted in attacks over childcareNew US supreme court judge subjected to personalised attacks over family dutiesSat Oct 31 2020 - 02:00
Travellers’ mental health needs proper attention and researchTravellers and their concerns only seem to rise to surface of Irish consciousness when there is a controversy or tragedySat Oct 24 2020 - 02:00
Breda O’Brien: Calls for euthanasia fuelled by ageism and ableismNo compassion when those with terminal illness made wonder if they are burdenSat Oct 17 2020 - 02:00
Breda O’Brien: What if children are a key source of Covid spread?Troubling studies from other countries suggest we might be behind the scienceSat Oct 10 2020 - 02:00
Leaving Cert fiasco is going to get worseNot only are the calculated grades a debacle, the Leaving Cert exams designed as an alternative are unfair, tooSat Oct 03 2020 - 02:00
Breda O’Brien: What if RBG had focused on persuading others that both lives matter?They are lighting Ruth Bader Ginsburg votive candles now, but it could have been so differentSat Sept 26 2020 - 02:00
Breda O’Brien: Why the class of 2020 should consider further educationUndervalued system offers lots of opportunities to progress to higher education in Ireland and abroadSat Sept 19 2020 - 02:00
Covid-19 has created ideal environment for child exploitationLockdowns have led to weaker online oversight by tech giants and agenciesSat Sept 12 2020 - 02:00
Breda O’Brien: Mask-wearing is an act of solidarityFace-coverings will be with us for some time. Be compassionate and use oneSat Sept 05 2020 - 02:00
Neither Nikki Haley nor Kamala Harris represent a break with the pastIf you want to see America’s political future, you need to look backSat Aug 29 2020 - 02:00
Breda O’Brien: Teachers want rapid Covid-19 testing. NowAs schools return, ongoing test delays will cause virus to spread uncheckedSat Aug 22 2020 - 02:00
Catholic Church faces challenges as places of worship reopenChurch is still living off a legacy of being a much stronger cultural forceSat Aug 08 2020 - 02:00
Schools will not remain open without significant societal sacrificeGetting schools open is a nightmare but remaining open is the bigger challengeSat Aug 01 2020 - 02:00
Autism provision is blocked by lack of partnership and investmentEveryone agrees that children with autism have a right to education. Underfunded, overcrowded schools need significant investment to provide itSat Jul 25 2020 - 02:00
Ireland has an important role to play in challenging Chinese abusesChina’s re-education camps and its persecution of religious organisations rival dystopian fictionSat Jul 18 2020 - 02:00
Breda O’Brien: How many other Baby Christophers are there?Christopher was aborted on grounds of fatal foetal abnormality, although perfectly healthySat Jul 04 2020 - 02:00
Four-day week is an idea whose time in Ireland may have finally comeIncoming government needs to address our destructive long-hours cultureSat Jun 27 2020 - 01:39
Breda O’Brien: Coronavirus crisis should focus our minds on climate actionClimate change remains an abstraction for many in Ireland, but not for those suffering in AfricaSat Jun 20 2020 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: School reopening is almost impossible to planPrincipals need guidance and funds to help pupils as social distance rules likely to shiftSat Jun 13 2020 - 01:00
Trump could try opening the Bible instead of using it as a propBible was never meant to be used as a way of signalling to a target demographicSat Jun 06 2020 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: We must not fail the class of 2020Even when results are out, uncertainty will not cease for those leaving schoolSat May 30 2020 - 01:00
Neither side of abortion debate emerges well from McCorvey storyNorma McCorvey, aka Jane Roe of Roe v Wade was exploited by elements of both sidesSat May 23 2020 - 01:00
The groups of students who deserve particular attentionThis year’s Leaving Certs have been the focus, but incoming sixth, third and first years also need concern and planningSat May 16 2020 - 01:00
Breda O'Brien: Seán O’Rourke’s balance will be missed on the airwavesBroadcaster showed rare understanding of centrality of religion in people’s livesSat May 09 2020 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: The church has been catapulted onlineRather than being in opposition to real community, virtual experience fosters itSat May 02 2020 - 01:00
We have failed our older and more vulnerable citizensNeglect of nursing homes during coronavirus pandemic has had disastrous resultsSat Apr 25 2020 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: We apologise to Leaving Cert class of 2020Global pandemic prohibits easy answer to question of when to hold final examsSat Apr 18 2020 - 01:00
Need to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt protects us allQuashing of Cardinal Pell conviction underlines need for safeguardsSat Apr 11 2020 - 01:00
Pope Francis: An icon of hope and solidarity in a time of crisisThe Pope praying before an empty square will linger as an image of this pandemicSat Apr 04 2020 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Communicating with ‘screenagers’ in a pandemicTeens are being actively encouraged to spend hours a day on screens. How do we keep a balance?Sat Mar 28 2020 - 01:00
Breda O'Brien: Extraordinary measures need to be taken – even with Leaving CertMinister’s announcement to award full marks for orals and practicals has caused shockSat Mar 21 2020 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: There is something particularly vile about Jean VanierIn the midst of such darkness, how can one find the light?Sat Feb 29 2020 - 01:00
Us adults should stop rolling our eyes about Greta ThunbergBreda O’Brien: Young people are paralysed with fear about the planet, and we must take actionSat Feb 22 2020 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Election result shows the perils of treating people as outsidersThe general election was won by outsiders who know how to listen to the excludedSat Feb 15 2020 - 01:00
Breda O'Brien: If we really valued children we would prioritise their carersSocial engineering caused by tax individualisation has come at a heavy costSat Feb 08 2020 - 01:03
Breda O’Brien: We must vote against the stifling political and media consensusPublic funding and media visibility stack the deck in favour of ensconced political partiesSat Feb 01 2020 - 01:00
Breda O’Brien: Time to smash Tweedledum and Tweedledee politicsAontú offers pro-family policies to bring much-needed real change to Irish societySat Jan 25 2020 - 01:00
Let politicians know that education mattersBreda O'Brien: Education will only become an election issue if voters choose to make it oneSat Jan 18 2020 - 01:00
What moral authority does the US have to kill Suleimani?We should question the morality of killing any person, even those supposed to be evilSat Jan 11 2020 - 05:00
Breda O’Brien: Binge-watched insights into Teutonic TV landEpisodes of Dark can make you notice stark German and Irish cultural differencesSat Dec 28 2019 - 06:00
Peloton advert a metaphor for pressure on middle-class womenAllegedly sexist commercial unwittingly reveals phenomena far worse than the offenceSat Dec 21 2019 - 06:00
Britain is now divided as never beforeResearch reveals two tribes who intensely dislike each other, and who are not terribly informed about each otherSat Dec 14 2019 - 06:00