My daughter is stressed about her CAO choices. Is time against her?An initial list must be submitted by February 1st but this can be fully amended laterTue Nov 24 2020 - 00:00
My daughter hasn’t a clue what she wants to do after schoolAsk Brian: Students can access a variety of websites to explore optionsTue Nov 17 2020 - 00:08
My son studied law but doesn’t want to be a solicitor. Does he have other options?Legal qualifications are useful across many areas including compliance and governanceTue Nov 10 2020 - 00:00
I’ve just started college, is it too late to apply for a Susi grant?Ask Brian: There’s still time, but the application deadline expires soonTue Nov 03 2020 - 00:00
Top 10 tips on how to make the most of college open daysWhat you need to know to make sure you take full advantage of your online open day opportunityMon Nov 02 2020 - 01:00
Higher Options: Prepare in advance and use your time wiselyRepresentatives from the CAO, universities, colleges, further education institutions and educational bodies will be available in a virtual exhibition hallSun Nov 01 2020 - 01:00
Ask Brian: Will Leaving Cert exams take account of Covid?Next year’s papers will look similar to previous years, but with more choiceTue Oct 27 2020 - 00:34
I want to be a vet but CAO points are just too high. Are there any other options?Ask Brian: There are lots of other routes, mostly in mainland EuropeTue Oct 20 2020 - 00:00
I missed out on CAO points for nursing. Is there another route into it?Ask Brian: Cost-cutting means there are few options outside the CAO processTue Oct 13 2020 - 00:00
I plan to sit the Leaving Cert in November alongside college. Am I taking on too much?Ask Brian: It won’t be easy. But if you are genuinely dissatisfied, it is worth the effort to secure those extra CAO pointsTue Oct 06 2020 - 00:00
Is it a good idea for my daughter to study physiotherapy abroad?Ask Brian: Cheaper fees, prestigious courses and easier entry requirements are turning many students’ headsTue Sept 29 2020 - 00:00
Attention turns to final rounds of CAOBrian Mooney: The CAO’s Available Places facility has almost 200 courses advertisedWed Sept 23 2020 - 21:58
I find it hard to learn online. How will I survive in college this year?Ask Brian: Most teaching in third level will be online, but there are supports availableTue Sept 22 2020 - 00:00
Should my daughter defer her college place?Ask Brian: Many families are struggling to justify the cost of accommodation given so much material will be taught onlineTue Sept 15 2020 - 00:00
Brian Mooney: Student anger may deepen when teachers’ estimated grades are releasedFor some this data will be of mild interest, yet for others it will feel very significantSun Sept 13 2020 - 17:16
Brian Mooney: Anger that teachers' marking caused high-point courses to go upBy creating additional college places the Government has kept down the CAO point requirementsSat Sept 12 2020 - 08:28
CAO: Four things you need to know before accepting an offerGrades are up significantly this year, so expect increased points for many programmesFri Sept 11 2020 - 02:00
Your CAO offer and how to respond to itMoment of truth for thousands of applicants as first college offers are issued today.Fri Sept 11 2020 - 01:23
How much will CAO points increase? All bets off this yearGrade inflation will send points upwards – but more college places may ease pressureThu Sept 10 2020 - 02:53
Have private schools lost out in the calculated grades process?Discrepancies in the way grades were lowered raises some urgent questionsTue Sept 08 2020 - 20:45
Alternative career routes boost options for school-leaversPractical, hands-on courses offer career progression and skills enhancement outside the traditional CAO systemTue Sept 08 2020 - 07:51
Leaving Cert 2020: What you need to know about the appeals processThis year’s process for appealing grades is very different to the usual systemTue Sept 08 2020 - 03:58
I’m worried I won’t get the CAO points I need. Are there alternatives?Ask Brian: Further education is excellent alternative route into many degree coursesTue Sept 08 2020 - 00:00
CAO 2020: Think before hitting the ‘accept’ tab for unexpected offerBy Friday evening colleges throughout the country will be processing acceptancesMon Sept 07 2020 - 07:26
Leaving Cert 2020: The end of a remarkable journeyIf you are unhappy with the grade you received, you can appeal this assessment.Mon Sept 07 2020 - 07:06
CAO points likely to increase across many coursesBrian Mooney: Greater number of grades at higher level could lead to third-level points jumpMon Sept 07 2020 - 06:00
Everything you need to know about the CAO process in 2020Tens of thousands of CAO applicants will receive offers of places on courses in round oneMon Sept 07 2020 - 00:00
Leaving Cert 2020: How the CAO determines points allocationsCAO points requirements are determined by a combination of factorsMon Sept 07 2020 - 00:00
Irish exam system puts student at centre to avoid UK’s grades shambles79% will get grade proposed by teacher, 17% will be downgraded and 4% upgradedTue Sept 01 2020 - 16:17
How can I help my son’s Leaving Cert study get back on track?Ask Brian: There are simple ways to help students re-engage after losing focus during Covid-19 lockdownTue Sept 01 2020 - 00:00
Brian Mooney: An escape route from Leaving Cert results chaosAbandoning calculated grades will bring its own problemsTue Aug 18 2020 - 15:53
My daughter plumped for single course in CAO application. Is this risky?Ask Brian: I strongly encourage all applicants to have a wide list of possible coursesTue Jun 30 2020 - 01:00
My daughter thinks she won’t get the points for medicine. Should she reconsider?Ask Brian: Points for some high-demand courses could end up droping this yearTue Jun 23 2020 - 00:00
My fifth-year son has fallen behind. Should I be worried?Ask Brian: The coming year’s Leaving Cert students are, by and large, in the same boatTue Jun 16 2020 - 00:00
Tough decisions ahead over college options in coronavirus eraProspective students have a lot to consider before deciding on third-level choiceTue Jun 09 2020 - 00:00
Will I be able to pick and mix my predicted grades with Leaving Cert results?Ask Brian: The good news is the class of 2020 will have lots of options to make the gradeTue Jun 09 2020 - 00:00
Should I defer going to college this year due to Covid-19 chaos?Ask Brian: Most lectures will be online and campus may be only partially openTue Jun 02 2020 - 00:00
Is it too late to apply for a postgraduate course in teaching?Ask Brian: There are still options available for both primary and post-primaryTue May 26 2020 - 07:38
CAO Q&A: Everything you need to know about the change of mind processBrian Mooney on how to approach the CAO process and get your course choice rightTue May 26 2020 - 07:38
CAO decision time: What should you study at college?Students have until July 1st to submit their final third level course options to the CAOTue May 26 2020 - 06:39
Key dates for CAO applicationsTimeline for the 2020 college application processTue May 26 2020 - 00:00
Will Leaving Cert ‘calculated grades’ be accepted by universities abroad?Ask Brian: About 2,000 students have applied for college courses in the UK or EuropeTue May 19 2020 - 00:00
I want to apply for a grant but am not sure I’ll get my course. Can I still apply?Ask Brian: You do not need your Leaving Cert results or to have accepted a course to submit an applicationTue May 12 2020 - 00:00
Teachers up against the clock to decide on Leaving Cert gradeParochialism of Irish society suggests weeks ahead may be uncomfortable for educatorsFri May 08 2020 - 19:15
Will Junior Cycle exam cancellation scupper my son’s plans to do an apprenticeship?Ask Brian: Junior Cycle is minimum entry requirements for many apprenticeshipsTue May 05 2020 - 00:00
How will Leaving Cert delay affect students going on to further education?Ask Brian: There are still many unanswered questions on how academic year may changeTue Apr 28 2020 - 00:00
My kids have too much homework and I’m struggling to cope. What can I do?Ask Brian: Regular communication between home and school is more important than everTue Apr 21 2020 - 00:40
Leaving Cert students in a stronger position than they may realiseAsk Brian: Covid-19 is likely to lead a to drop in CAO points for college coursesTue Apr 14 2020 - 00:00
How can I motivate my children to study at home?Ask Brian: Try to make learning fun for younger children and help older ones focusTue Apr 07 2020 - 00:00
How can I motivate my children to study during the school closures?Ask Brian: The effort which students make today will stand to them over timeTue Mar 31 2020 - 00:00