Harbison report stresses lack of resourcesTHE Minister for Justice, Mrs Owen, is examining a report from the Chief State Pathologist, Prof John Harbison, in which he calls…Sat Jul 06 1996 - 01:00
Sweeping review of Seanad urgedSERIOUS consideration might have to be given to the abolition of the Seanad, the report suggestsThu Jul 04 1996 - 01:00
Proposals look to the European Convention on Human Rights as basis of democratic societyMAJOR changes in the constitutional provisions covering freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are recommended.Thu Jul 04 1996 - 01:00
Government, Army and Garda representedTHE removal ceremony for Veronica Guerin was attended by representatives of the Government, the Garda, Army, political parties…Sat Jun 29 1996 - 01:00
Student found with ecstasy gets Probation ActA RAID on a Dublin nightclub led to 16 people being charged with drug related offences, six for having drugs with intent to supply…Sat Jun 29 1996 - 01:00
Final report soon on tax and Garda co operationA FINAL report on co operation between the Garda and the Revenue Commissioners in cracking down on criminals such as drugs traffickers…Fri Jun 28 1996 - 01:00
Messages of sorrow mixed with outrageCHURCHES, media organisations, trade unions, women's and professional groups all issued statements yesterday condemning the murder…Fri Jun 28 1996 - 01:00
Tributes paid in London at opening of Freedom ForumTHE official opening in London yesterday of a European office of the Freedom Forum, a non political organisation founded to promote…Fri Jun 28 1996 - 01:00
Unit in LRC should be set up for industryA SPECIAL UNIT within the Labour Relations Commission is needed to facilitate the introduction of changes necessary to face the…Fri Jun 28 1996 - 01:00
Report opposes state funding for shared central printing facilitySTATE funding for a shared central printing facility should not be provided, the commission concludes after reviewing the issue…Fri Jun 28 1996 - 01:00
Guerin murdered after leaving Naas District CourtVERONICA Guerin left Naas District Court, after appearing on a speeding charge, at around 12.30 p.mThu Jun 27 1996 - 01:00
Immediate implementation of report demandedOPPOSITION politicians have called for the immediate implementation of the loo recommendations in the Price Waterhouse report…Wed Jun 26 1996 - 01:00
Christians urged at Glenstal to proclaim their faithIN a world crying out for real spirituality, Christians have become shy and reticent about their faith, the 33rd Glenstal Ecumenical…Wed Jun 26 1996 - 01:00
EU ministers reach accordTHE introduction of competition in the EU electricity market was finally agreed by energy ministers meeting in Luxembourg yesterday…Fri Jun 21 1996 - 01:00
Consultant's claim that ME is all in the mind is challengedA SENIOR Northern Ireland consultant has claimed that ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) is all in the mind.Wed Jun 19 1996 - 01:00
Mirror Group is poised to buy Belfast based "News Letter"NEGOTIATIONS which would result in the Mirror Group buying the Belfast based News Letter are at "a very advanced stage", according…Tue Jun 18 1996 - 01:00
Minister to reveal £3bn scheme for Coillte growthA STRATEGIC plan for the forestry sector has received Cabinet approvalTue Jun 18 1996 - 01:00
Mother dies, son (3) `critical' after fireA THREE year old boy was seriously ill in hospital last night after a fire in his Dublin home killed his mother.Mon Jun 17 1996 - 01:00
Ireland name besmirched by IRA deeds - Archbishop"COWARDS, cowards, callous cowards," Archbishop Walton Empey said of the IRA during his enthronement service in Christchurch …Mon Jun 17 1996 - 01:00
16 fixed as minimum age for work in legal move to protect youngBILL which will raise the minimum age for normal employment from 15 to 16 is due to complete its passage through the Oireachtas…Sat Jun 15 1996 - 01:00
Bill of Rights need not await final deal, say report authorsTHE introduction of a Bill of Rights in Northern Ireland need knot await the negotiation of a final political settlement, two…Thu Jun 13 1996 - 01:00
Survivor holds Scott gold medalDET GARDA Ben O'Sullivan is the holder of a Scott Gold Medal, which he received for exceptional courage and heroism.Sat Jun 08 1996 - 01:00
Eight Garda body delegates walk outEIGHT of the 40 delegates who attended a conference of the Garda Federation in Dublin yesterday walked out, saying they were …Fri Jun 07 1996 - 01:00
Initial agenda for three strands settledA PRELIMINARY list of issues the two governments consider necessary, as a minimum, for the agendas of Strand One, Strand Two, …Fri Jun 07 1996 - 01:00
The powerless bystandersONLY a quarter of the electorate in Cherry Orchard bothered to vote in the recent Dublin West by election "because the people…Tue Jun 04 1996 - 01:00
LIFE OF REILLYASKED how much his salary has grown since he worked as a £10,000 per year, goods inwards manager in a warehouse on the North …Mon Jun 03 1996 - 01:00
Dismay as mother of four is murderedNOEL Lindsay had been in work for a hour when, at around 8 aWed May 29 1996 - 01:00
ICCL opposes detention length in drugs BillTHE Criminal Justice (Drugs Trafficking) Bill is "one of the most worrying pieces of legislation to come before the Oireachtas…Sat May 25 1996 - 01:00
Action on poverty urged to counter crime riseTHE managing director of An Post has said all political parties must support the channelling of resources into the most disadvantaged…Fri May 24 1996 - 01:00
130,600 days lost by strikes in 1995THERE were 36 strikes in 1995, resulting in the loss of 130,600 work days, according to the Labour Relations Commission annual…Thu May 23 1996 - 01:00
Group calls for national agency to fight drugsA PRO ACTIVE National Drugs Agency representing a broad range of interests, including the communities hardest hit by the drugs…Thu May 23 1996 - 01:00
Rescuer's daughter was on hoax call tapeTHE voice of a tearful young girl broadcast by RTE as part of a hoax call to the marine rescue services was in fact that of the…Wed May 22 1996 - 01:00
German court turns down Donna Maguire appealGERMANY'S highest criminal court has rejected an appeal by Donna Maguire against her conviction for the IRA bombing of a British…Wed May 22 1996 - 01:00
VHI dispute causing "disquiet to members"THE VHI Members' Advisory Council yesterday expressed concern at the "worry, inconvenience and expense" being suffered by subscribers…Tue May 14 1996 - 01:00
IRA prisoner Kelly for Portlaoise transfer "in days"THE IRA prisoner Patrick Kelly should be transferred to Portlaoise Prison "within a matter of days," the Minister for Justice…Mon May 13 1996 - 01:00
Fisheries board to investigate source of Shannon killTHE Shannon Regional Fisheries Board is conducting an investigation into a "very serious" fish kill in the Shannon, at Lanesborough…Mon May 13 1996 - 01:00
Warning on swimming pools infection riskLEGISLATION is needed to regulate private and public swimming pools, spa pools and similar leisure facilities, a meeting of health…Fri May 10 1996 - 01:00
Astronomers to get a roasting at Wicklow star attractionTHE country's largest working telescope can be used by the public at a "star-b-q" in Co Wicklow tonight, organised by Astronomy…Fri May 10 1996 - 01:00
Violent deaths of eight women more than total for 1995EIGHT women have been murdered or suffered violent deaths so far this year, more than the total for 1995 and equal to the number…Thu May 09 1996 - 01:00
Workers taken to hospital with minor injuriesTWO workers were treated for minor injuries when a large section of scaffolding on the building site at the former Brown Thomas…Wed May 08 1996 - 01:00
Dispute over British Eurovision songAN English songwriter has employed a "top musicologist" to compare one of his songs with this year's British entry for the Eurovision…Wed May 08 1996 - 01:00
Sun shines on holiday music festivalsIT was a May Day bank holiday weekend where it was best to take in the potted plants overnight so they wouldn't get bitten by…Tue May 07 1996 - 01:00
Man detained after murder of woman in Co Laois villageA MURDER investigation began yesterday evening after the discovery of the body of a woman in her 60s in her home near Mountrath…Tue May 07 1996 - 01:00
Haughey sanctioned three top secret meetings with SFA FIANNA Fail deputation including one TD had three formal meetings in 1988 with senior Sinn Fein figures including Mr Gerry …Thu Apr 25 1996 - 01:00
RTE programme "unjust" to former orphanage inmatesFORMER residents of the Goldenbridge orphanage last night reacted strongly to the Prime Time programme which featured an interview…Wed Apr 24 1996 - 01:00
Villagers halt demolition of "jewel"RESIDENTS of a Co Wicklow village halted the demolition of a 135 year old house yesterdayWed Apr 24 1996 - 01:00
IMRO insists on school royalties despite widespread criticismTHE Irish Music Rights Organisation remains determined to collect royalties from schools despite widespread criticismWed Apr 24 1996 - 01:00
Journal pricing report may lead to cutsA FALL in the price of British magazines is likely following an investigation carried out by the Director of Consumer Affairs…Tue Apr 23 1996 - 01:00