Ban on new judges could be ‘disastrous’ for court systemHigh Court judge criticises Cabinet decision to halt appointments until new law passedThu Sept 29 2016 - 08:50
Heather Humphreys defends decision to further fund Galway arthouse cinemaProject founder Lelia Doolin says aim was to create “civic facility” for people of GalwayWed Sept 28 2016 - 01:00
Jury in trial of Seán FitzPatrick not needed until Monday week15-member jury empanelled for case which could last up to three monthsTue Sept 27 2016 - 15:43
Revenge porn could be made criminal offence under proposalCommissioner could direct social media sites to comply and take down harmful materialTue Sept 27 2016 - 00:01
Law Reform Commission report: Issues of concernCommission notes Cyberbullying, catfishing, hate speech and pornography in documentTue Sept 27 2016 - 00:01
Evidence in Sean FitzPatrick trial will not begin for two weeksFitzPatrick charged with misleading auditors in relation to multi-million euro loansMon Sept 26 2016 - 14:56
Chief Justice complains over lack of judicial councilSusan Denham: Failure to create body affects judiciary’s relations with CabinetMon Sept 26 2016 - 01:00
Delay in establishing judicial council part of history of inactionConcept of body to look into concerns over the judiciary has been mooted for 20 yearsMon Sept 26 2016 - 01:00
Colm Keena: Global response needed to tackle ‘offshore’ culture‘Secrecy jurisdictions’ are a magnet for people and firms that want to hide what they are up to for whatever reasonThu Sept 22 2016 - 09:23
Denis O’Brien’s Caribbean connections revealed in Bahamas papersBusinessman’s associates are acting as directors of six companies in tax havenThu Sept 22 2016 - 09:07
Many Irish names feature in Bahamas registryShell E&P Ireland Offshore Inc associated with Corrib gas projectThu Sept 22 2016 - 06:52
Denis O’Brien linked to Caribbean propertyBahamas Leaks: Businessman is connected to same island as Dermot Desmond projectThu Sept 22 2016 - 05:05
Seán Fitzpatrick trial: Anti-austerity campaigners ruled out of juryFrank Daly and Alan Dukes among witnesses to give evidence at Dublin Circuit Criminal CourtWed Sept 21 2016 - 12:57
Experts say Irish Water refunds would pose logistical nightmareGiving back the €162m already paid to Irish Water by customers fraught with difficultySat Sept 17 2016 - 01:01
Attempt rejected to have Bahrain AG appear before Dublin courtJaafar Al Hasabi claims official extended detention despite knowing he faced tortureTue Sept 13 2016 - 21:31
Conference hears Ireland has one of strictest illegal evidence lawsDPP says breaches of ethical standards and human rights risk derailing prosecuctionsMon Sept 12 2016 - 14:00
Nama to reject C&AG’s Project Eagle reportMichael Noonan to publish study as claims fuel cross-party call for inquiryMon Sept 12 2016 - 07:35
Panama Papers: Taxation data still sought by RevenueSeveral tax authorities approached by source with access to key details on dataMon Sept 12 2016 - 01:00
Opposition parties call for inquiry into Nama sale of NI portfolio‘Irish Times’ reports C&AG fears Nama may have lost ‘hundreds of millions’ in asset saleSun Sept 11 2016 - 16:16
What is weighing down the car insurance industry?If the State wants to reform the sector, it needs to start gathering some basic dataSun Sept 04 2016 - 19:00
Anglo trial: Jailed bankers to appeal convictions, sentencesDenis Casey, Willie McAteer, John Bowe were found guilty of distorting Anglo resultsSat Sept 03 2016 - 01:00
Judges considered ‘nuclear option’ in pay disputeMid-financial crisis move would have led to rift between executive and judiciarySat Sept 03 2016 - 01:00
Liam Herrick to head Irish Council for Civil LibertiesPresident’s adviser and former director of Irish Penal Reform Trust to take role in NovemberFri Sept 02 2016 - 16:36
Hardiman threatened to resign over judges' pay referendumLate Supreme Court judge made intentions known before 2011 vote, book revealsFri Sept 02 2016 - 01:00
Revenue official says taxing 60% of profits here would be ‘travesty’Ireland should ‘object’ to European Commission putting all blame on IrelandThu Sept 01 2016 - 01:01
Leading chef Kevin Thornton to close Dublin restaurantChef widely regarded as one of country’s best makes ‘sad decision’ to shut business in OctoberThu Sept 01 2016 - 01:00
Numbers in emergency accommodation hits record highJuly figures mark first time more than 6,500 people in emergency accommodationTue Aug 30 2016 - 07:43
Major fire follows protest at Oberstown detention centreInmates had climbed roof in protest after being locked in rooms during staff disputeMon Aug 29 2016 - 22:46
Murder-suicide now a ‘regular phenomenon’A timeline of recent tragic cases in Ireland that involved murder-suicideMon Aug 29 2016 - 21:27
O’Brien criticises SF call for Border poll in wake of BrexitSinn Féin MEP Matt Carthy denies ‘knee jerk’ reaction by party following UK referendumMon Aug 29 2016 - 10:14
OCI executive did not appoint ticket reseller, review findsCommittee played no role in the engaging of Pro10 for Rio Olympics, study showsMon Aug 29 2016 - 01:00
Pat Hickey and THG co-ordinated response to ticket row, emails showCorrespondence between the two appears to contradict claims made by OCI presidentSat Aug 27 2016 - 13:15
Pat Hickey’s family ‘gravely concerned’ about his healthFlanagan says Government cannot interfere in legal processFri Aug 26 2016 - 17:36
Rio police officer says he regrets Pat Hickey arrest was filmedAloysio Falcão: Police did not authorise filming but were not in position to prevent itThu Aug 25 2016 - 17:27
OCI: no curb on co-operating with Olympic tickets inquiryMembers must treat information on other personnel as ‘strictly confidential’Thu Aug 25 2016 - 07:11
Rio 2016 tickets row: A Q&A that’s a bit top-heavy with QsColm Keena lists questions over the Olympic tickets saga that a lot of folk want answers toThu Aug 25 2016 - 01:00
Money woe one reason behind rise in domestic violence casesPeople living in ‘strained circumstances’ cannot afford to split, says District Court chiefMon Aug 01 2016 - 01:00
Anglo verdict: Huge sums involved meant jail sentences always likelyAll of the convicted men were senior, experienced executives so not to have jailed them would have sent out a peculiar messageFri Jul 29 2016 - 11:19
Barristers express concern over ruling on retired judgeHigh Court decision allows former judge Barry White (71) to return to work as a lawyerSat Jul 23 2016 - 01:00
Woman faces losing family home for the second timeWoman’s estranged husband is trying to make her homeless, registrar hearsSat Jul 23 2016 - 01:00
High Court to rule on non-EU foreign national rights on grounds of marriageState concerned over potentially fraudulent visa applications and use as back door to UKThu Jul 21 2016 - 01:00
Garda Ombudsman received some 2,000 complaints in 2015Two thirds of cases related to abuse of authority or neglect of duty, Gsoc report saysMon Jul 18 2016 - 19:29
The raiding of D2: seeking the truth on Clerys closureDeirdre Foley and her company D2 Private are contesting the seizure of materialSat Jul 16 2016 - 12:39
Clerys liquidator gave investor ‘advice’ before saleStore buyer Deirdre Foley rejects suggestions of improper dealings with liquidatorWed Jul 13 2016 - 10:04
Court Service figures show fall in drink driving casesNumber of divorces, bankruptcies and debt settlements rose in 2015, annual report showsTue Jul 12 2016 - 18:23
Most divorce and separation cases taken by womenFigures from Courts Service show 9 per cent increase in divorce applications last yearTue Jul 12 2016 - 15:59
Alleged recruiter for Isis in Ireland deported to JordanMan was taken from Cloverhill Prison and deported from Dublin Airport that eveningFri Jul 08 2016 - 14:58
Judgment orders for €6.78m granted against MoransCase brought by Donall Dooley against Nama struck out by consentWed Jul 06 2016 - 17:41
Brexit may not impact common travel area, expert claimsThe UK is unlikely to impose Border controls following vote to leave the EU, professor saysWed Jul 06 2016 - 01:00
AG not obliged to resign if advice not taken, expert claimsAttorney General’s role appears to be becoming increasingly politicisedWed Jul 06 2016 - 01:00