An insight into difficulties and misery caused by bursting of property bubbleIN THE COURTS: IN THE Master’s Court on the second floor of the Four Courts you get a good glimpse of how the bursting of the…Wed Jul 01 2009 - 01:00
Property cases dominate the day in the commercial courtIN THE COURTS: PROPERTY DEVELOPERS held centre stage in the proceedings in the Commercial Court yesterday.Tue Jun 30 2009 - 01:00
Innovation taskforce appointed to advise GovernmentTAOISEACH BRIAN Cowen has announced the appointment of an innovation taskforce to advise the Government on its strategy for positioning…Mon Jun 29 2009 - 01:00
Pia Bang firm had €775,756 deficitBANCASTLE LTD, the company behind the Pia Bang home furnishings shop on Dublin’s South Anne Street, had a deficit of €775,756…Mon Jun 29 2009 - 01:00
Lowry criticises tribunal examination of witnessFORMER GOVERNMENT minister Michael Lowry has launched a strong attack on the Moriarty tribunal’s examination of a witness this…Sat Jun 27 2009 - 01:00
Lawyer says he signed rewritten lettersMORIARTY TRIBUNAL: AN ENGLISH solicitor has accepted he signed rewritten letters that had mentioned former minister Michael …Fri Jun 26 2009 - 01:00
Solicitor says prior tribunal evidence was 'clearly wrong'MORIARTY TRIBUNAL: AN ENGLISH solicitor has said evidence he gave the Moriarty tribunal in April concerning the former government…Thu Jun 25 2009 - 01:00
Lowry evidence contradictedAn English solicitor has contradicted evidence given to the Moriarty Tribunal by former Government Minister Michael Lowry concerning…Thu Jun 25 2009 - 01:00
Moriarty unhappy with evidence of solicitor over Lowry dealingsTHE CHAIRMAN of the Moriarty tribunal has expressed concern about the evidence being given by an English solicitor to the inquiry…Wed Jun 24 2009 - 01:00
Documents may alter Moriarty findings on Lowry property venturesANALYSIS: The tribunal is examining letters that appear to conflict with earlier evidenceWed Jun 24 2009 - 01:00
Tax to GDP ratio below EU average in 2007THE REPUBLIC had a tax-to-GDP ratio that was significantly below the EU average in 2007, according to statistics released yesterday…Tue Jun 23 2009 - 01:00
Tribunal receives Lowry lettersThe Moriarty Tribunal has been given letters that appear to show a more "emphatic" involvement by Michael Lowry with English …Tue Jun 23 2009 - 01:00
Only patience of banks lies between developer and disasterANALYSIS: The Carroll case holds potential dangers for the Government’s rescue plan and Nama, writes COLM KEENA.Tue Jun 23 2009 - 01:00
Beacon medical group reports €8.8m lossTHE BEACON group, the Irish private hospital business currently awaiting finalisation of a €68 million US investment, made a …Fri Jun 19 2009 - 01:00
DCC chief gets income of €1.5mTHE CHIEF executive of DCC Plc, Tommy Breen, received a total remuneration package of €1Fri Jun 19 2009 - 01:00
Retired civil servant was 'not in thrall' to LowryMORIARTY TRIBUNAL: A RETIRED civil servant has told the Moriarty tribunal that the tribunal itself was the only context in which…Sat Jun 13 2009 - 01:00
Desmond's stake a 'slight' change in shareholding of Esat DigifoneMORIARTY TRIBUNAL: DERMOT DESMOND’S taking of a 20 per cent shareholding in Esat Digifone in 1996 was described as a “slight…Fri Jun 12 2009 - 01:00
Desmond firm's role was concern for departmentMORIARTY TRIBUNAL: THE EMERGENCE of Dermot Desmond’s IIU Nominees Ltd as a shareholder in the Esat Digifone consortium remained…Thu Jun 11 2009 - 01:00
Mobile award not part of 'plot'The award of the State’s second mobile phone licence to Esat Digifone despite the appearance of Dermot Desmond’s IIU Nominees…Thu Jun 11 2009 - 01:00
Moriarty tribunal makes adverse finding against StateTHE MORIARTY tribunal has made adverse provisional findings against the State in its long-running mobile phone licence inquiry…Wed Jun 10 2009 - 01:00
Moriarty makes finding against StateThe Moriarty Tribunal has made adverse preliminary findings against the State in its long-running inquiry into the granting of…Tue Jun 09 2009 - 01:00
BoI says bond discounts will boost capital by €1bnBANK OF Ireland expects its equity capital position will be improved by €1 billion having bought some of its bonds at a considerable…Thu Jun 04 2009 - 01:00
Sisters of Mercy own extensive property portfolioORDER'S ASSETS: THE SISTERS of Mercy, cited in the Ryan report on institutional abuse, have an extensive portfolio of property…Mon Jun 01 2009 - 01:00
Transfer schools to State, says QuinnLABOUR PARTY: THE LABOUR Party has called on the 18 religious orders cited in the Ryan report to voluntarily transfer their …Sat May 30 2009 - 01:00
Properties worth €26.8m transferred to StateINDEMNITY DEAL DELIVERY: THE RELIGIOUS orders that negotiated an indemnity deal with the Government in June 2002 have to date…Thu May 28 2009 - 01:00
Brothers unable to put a value on their assetsTHE VALUE of the assets owned by the Christian Brothers in Ireland is not available from public documents, although filings to…Thu May 28 2009 - 01:00
Christian Brothers shifted properties worth €400m to trust in past yearTHE CHRISTIAN Brothers have over the past year transferred ownership of their primary and secondary schools in the Republic to…Thu May 28 2009 - 01:00
Businesswoman urges landlords to apply feasible rentsBUSINESSWOMAN PIA Bang said yesterday that landlords need to come to “feasible arrangements” with retailers in order to accommodate…Tue May 26 2009 - 01:00
Smaller Stephen's Green shops get pause on rent riseSMALLER INDEPENDENT outlets in the Stephen’s Green Centre in Dublin have negotiated a two-year stay on a pending 10 per cent …Tue May 26 2009 - 01:00
AIB's auditor 'threatened' after raising concernsTHE FORMER chief executive of AIB, Michael Buckley, threatened the bank’s internal auditor he would be held personally liable…Fri May 22 2009 - 01:00
Majority government share of banks remains likely, TCD conference toldA MAJORITY government shareholding in the banks remains a likely scenario, an economics conference in Trinity College Dublin …Thu May 21 2009 - 01:00
Economists contemplate responses to downturnTAKING CONTROL of the electricity grid from the ESB and transferring water management from local authorities to a central agency…Thu May 21 2009 - 01:00
Export body warns of 91,000 job lossesWITHOUT Government intervention, job losses in the export sector will grow by 91,000 this year, the Irish Exporters Association…Thu May 14 2009 - 01:00
'Fixation' on resolving banking crisis ignores export crisisANALYSIS: THE GOVERNMENT is “totally fixated” on trying to resolve the banking crisis and is ignoring the crisis hitting exporting…Thu May 14 2009 - 01:00
Dublin-based Oracle subsidiary posts €707m pretax profitA DUBLIN-BASED subsidiary of US software giant Oracle made a pretax profit of €707Sat May 02 2009 - 01:00
Moriarty tribunal to reopen with witnesses set for recallTHE MORIARTY tribunal is to reopen its marathon inquiry into the awarding of a mobile phone licence to Esat Digifone in 1996, …Thu Apr 30 2009 - 01:00
Job losses hit accession state migrants hardestIMMIGRANTS FROM the EU accession states are experiencing unemployment here at a higher rate than the native population, according…Thu Apr 30 2009 - 01:00
Adjustment to be painful and slow, ESRI meeting will be toldAN ECONOMIC crash in Finland in the early 1990s that has similarities with Ireland’s current crisis was only resolved with a …Thu Apr 30 2009 - 01:00
ESRI to discuss lack of support for joblessTHE CURRENT unemployment crisis differs significantly from the situation in the 1990s, the conference in the Economic and Social…Thu Apr 30 2009 - 01:00
'Difficulty' exists with Coalition's toxic asset plan - ESRITHERE IS an “implicit difficulty” with the Government’s plan for dealing with toxic assets in banks, Economic and Social Research…Wed Apr 29 2009 - 01:00
'Majority of economies in deep recession'MOST OF the world’s major and minor economies are now in a deep recession and world trade has been registering “astonishing declines…Wed Apr 29 2009 - 01:00
Unemployment to hit 17% - ESRIUnemployment in Ireland will rise to almost 17 per cent next year, the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) says in …Wed Apr 29 2009 - 01:00
Economy to shrink by 9.2% this year, says ESRIIRELAND IS set for the sharpest fall in economic growth experienced by an industrialised country since the Great Depression, …Wed Apr 29 2009 - 01:00
Esat Digifone shares traded before licence was awardedANALYSIS: The latest row at the Moriarty tribunal concerns the ownership of Esat Digifone in 1996, writes COLM KEENATue Apr 28 2009 - 01:00
English solicitor at Moriarty tribunal under summonsTHE MORIARTY tribunal is scheduled to hear evidence tomorrow from an English solicitor as part of its inquiries into matters …Mon Apr 20 2009 - 01:00
Ganley moved his stake in Rivada to West IndiesFILINGS IN the Companies Registration Office (CRO) in Dublin show that Declan Ganley’s interest in his Tuam company, Rivada Networks…Mon Apr 20 2009 - 01:00
Online resource aims to help SMEs beat the downturnAN INTERACTIVE online resource for small and medium-sized enterprises was launched yesterday.Tue Apr 14 2009 - 01:00
Construction job losses in March worst since 2000JOB LOSSES in the construction sector last month were the sharpest yet recorded by the Ulster Bank purchasing managers’ index…Tue Apr 14 2009 - 01:00
Banking sector welcomes decision to set up asset agencyBANKS' REACTION: THE DECISION to create a National Asset Management Agency (Nama) was welcomed by representatives from the sector…Wed Apr 08 2009 - 01:00
Regulation expert held wide range of senior positionsGOVERNMENT ADVISER: SIR ANDREW Large, the British financial regulation expert who has been asked to give advice on the selection…Wed Apr 08 2009 - 01:00