Riots reveal Muscovites' anger at migrants and policeMore than 1,200 migrant workers detained in Moscow after protests follow fatal stabbingMon Oct 14 2013 - 18:17
Ukraine pushing to remove Tymoshenko obstacle to EU dealsEU envoys try to break impasse over former premier’s controversial seven-year jail sentence for abuse of powerSat Oct 12 2013 - 01:00
Polyglot Dagestan speaks language of dissent as Russia struggles with its most dangerous republicDagestanis fear Vladimir Putin is hardening his line on the diverse republicMon Oct 07 2013 - 01:00
Louth man’s arms conviction quashed in Lithuanian courtMichael Campbell, the younger brother of prominent dissident republican Liam Campbell, was sentenced to 12 years in jail in 2011Thu Oct 03 2013 - 01:00
Bosnian census inflames festering ethnic tensionsFirst census since devastating 1992-1995 warThu Oct 03 2013 - 01:00
EU warns Ukraine that key deals depend on Tymoshenko’s release from prisonBloc takes tough stance over release of former prime ministerSat Sept 21 2013 - 01:00
Putin’s Olympics: heading for a fall?Vladimir Putin chose Sochi as the venue and stepped in to help Russia win its bid for the 2014 winter games. But with building taking its toll on locals and the environment, and opposition to his new anti-gay laws, the president faces mounting pressureSat Sept 14 2013 - 01:00
Fear is foundation of brave new GroznyFew openly criticise local leader Ramzan Kadyrov but many harbour hopes of revenge for the 1990s Chechen conflictMon Sept 09 2013 - 07:54
Russian security’s role in school siege still unclear nine years onThe sadness of 334 deaths lingers but cover-ups still obscure the truthFri Aug 30 2013 - 01:00
Five years on, breakaway regions find orientation towards Moscow a mixed blessingSouth Ossetia and Abkhazia are long spilt from Georgia. But they are left in limboMon Aug 26 2013 - 01:00
Bidzina v Misha: but who is Georgia’s hero and who is the villain?Georgians are gripped by a power struggle between the president who led the Rose Revolution and the billionaire prime minister who says he wants to help the countrySat Jul 27 2013 - 01:00
Abkhazia pursues independence dream in Georgia’s lost paradiseSince breaking away from Georgia in the early 1990s, the Abkhaz people feel poor and isolatedTue Jul 23 2013 - 01:00
West condemns Russia’s jailing of opposition leader Alexei NavalnyBlogger and activist found guilty of stealing from timber firmFri Jul 19 2013 - 01:00
New Czech cabinet sworn in amid rowCzech president Milos Zeman defies parliament with technocrat governmentThu Jul 11 2013 - 01:00
Croatia’s EU accession party tempered by economic difficultiesZagreb hopes to tap €13.7 billion in EU funds before 2020Mon Jul 01 2013 - 01:00
Old ghosts stalk Croatia’s StalingradAs Croatia prepares to join the EU, ethnic divisions linger more than two decades after the bitter war with Serbia, and a war of words rages in the border town of VukovarSat Jun 29 2013 - 01:00
Little enthusiasm for EU at Croatia's sinking shipyardsMain yard forced to shed almost 3,350 jobs under Brussels privatisation dealThu Jun 27 2013 - 01:30
Croatian accession spells trouble for sweet ‘prosek’ wineLetter from Hvar: Fears for the future of a local drink are emblematic of wider concern for identityMon Jun 24 2013 - 01:00
Ireland backs EU deals for Serbia and Kosovo ahead of key talksBalkan neighbours should be brought closer to EU membership, says CreightonThu Jun 20 2013 - 01:11
Hungary charges Nazi war crimes suspect (98)László Csatáry accused of beating Jewish prisoners and helping organise their deportation to extermination campsWed Jun 19 2013 - 01:00
Budapest braced for record Danube levels as floods continueHungary’s parliament expected to extend state of emergency along large stretches of DanubeMon Jun 10 2013 - 01:00
Trial of protesters against Putin condemned as sign of Russia’s ‘reStalinisation’Trial of twleve Russians for their alleged part in clashes during a protest against president Putin is seen by critics as further proof the country is moving back towards authoritarianismFri Jun 07 2013 - 01:28
Death toll climbs as floods surge on through central EuropeTowns and cities along the Elbe and Danube now feared to be in dangerThu Jun 06 2013 - 01:00
Danube threatens to inundate more towns and citiesAngela Merkel pledges to commit €100m to affected areas in GermanyWed Jun 05 2013 - 01:00
Georgia under EU scrutiny after more allies of president are arrestedPolitical conflict since the Georgian Dream party defeated the United National Movement last OctoberThu May 23 2013 - 01:00
EU condemns attack on gay rights rally in Tbilisi, GeorgiaOrthodox priests prominent as thousands-strong mob hounds activistsTue May 21 2013 - 02:00
Divisions apparent as UN urges Syrian talksBan Ki-moon’s meeting with Russia’s foreign minister yesterday only highlighted the major obstacles that remainSat May 18 2013 - 01:00
Kremlin says spy scandal will not halt push for closer Russia-US tiesTwo CIA agents expelled this year for trying to recruit Russian spies, Moscow claimsThu May 16 2013 - 01:00
Bulgaria's far-right well placed as election deepens political stalemateResult likely to increase despair at conduct of political and business elitesTue May 14 2013 - 01:00
Syria's rebels sceptical on joint US-Russia push for peaceKerry and Lavrov promise co-operation in pursuit of ‘significant common interests’Thu May 09 2013 - 05:54
Hungary hosts Jewish Congress amid fears of far-right resurgenceThe far-right Jobbik party’s anti-Roma and anti-Semitic rhetoric appeals to those looking for someone to blame for Hungary’s economic problemsSat May 04 2013 - 00:00
Tsarnaev suspected of links to Canadian jihadi and Russian rebel recruiterRussian investigators became concerned about Tsarnaev after he had made contact with Islamic radicals Plotnikov and NidalFri May 03 2013 - 05:49
Kosovo trial sheds light on international organ smugglingPoor east Europeans selling organs to rich westerners, mainly IsraelisWed May 01 2013 - 06:41
The hunt for clues behind the Tsarnaev brothers’ radicalisationSimon Carswell in Washington and Dan McLaughlin in Budapest piece together what is known – and not known – about the two suspectsSat Apr 27 2013 - 07:00
Serbian prime minister pushes Kosovo dealBelgrade seeks to cut ties with dark past in bid to secure EU futureSat Apr 27 2013 - 01:00
Questions remain over deal between Balkan statesSerb officials say they won a major victory in the EU-brokered talks by not recognising Kosovo’s independence – and insist they will never do soTue Apr 23 2013 - 06:00
Violent history shaped Tsarnaev brothers’ Chechen homelandIslam now a strong element in Caucasus insurgency against Russian ruleSat Apr 20 2013 - 06:00
EU gives Serbia and Kosovo ‘hours’ to reach breakthrough dealNegotiations collapse after 14 hours of talks in BrusselsFri Apr 19 2013 - 07:00
US and Russia seek deeper co-operation despite bruising clashes on rights issuesNavalny trial could strain ties amid search for common ground on Syria, North Korea, IranWed Apr 17 2013 - 07:00
Kremlin says US blacklist of officials will damage US-Russia relations‘Magnitsky List’ drawn up in response to jail death of Russian lawyerSat Apr 13 2013 - 07:00
Georgian PM backs inquiry into Saakashvili’s handling of Russia warFeud heightens between president and prime ministerFri Apr 12 2013 - 06:04
OSCE urges Russia to end NGO raids and find journalist’s attackersThousands of groups face punishment as Putin dramatically tightens lawsWed Apr 10 2013 - 07:00
Serb man kills 13 in village shooting spreeVeteran of 1990s Balkan wars kills relatives and neighbours before wounding himselfWed Apr 10 2013 - 06:00
Ukraine frees Tymoshenko allies in bid for EU dealUnder pressure from EU on selective justice, president seeks to sign key deal with BrusselsMon Apr 08 2013 - 06:25
Russians rally as jail-threatened opposition leader sets sights on KremlinActivist Alexei Navalny believes President Putin is behind the court case against himMon Apr 08 2013 - 06:00
Czech president flags nation’s return to EU mainstreamEU banner flying over Prague Castle for first time, after pro-EU Zeman replaced eurosceptic KlausThu Apr 04 2013 - 07:00
Kosovo and Serbia fail to agree pactDeal must be done by mid-April if EU membership bids to get boost during Irish presidencyThu Apr 04 2013 - 07:00
Putin projects Russia’s naval power with surprise Black Sea exercisesGeorgia “alarmed” by nearby operation involving ships, aircraft and thousands of troopsSat Mar 30 2013 - 06:00