Estonian removal of war memorial angers RussiansESTONIA: Estonia deployed riot police to guard excavation work at a Soviet war memorial yesterday amid fears of violent protest…Fri Apr 27 2007 - 01:00
Beleaguered Romanian president finds solace in peaceful SibiuRomania Letter: When Romania's president, Traian Basescu, sought an Easter escape from the looming threat of impeachment, he…Thu Apr 26 2007 - 01:00
UN team visits Serbia as Russia blocks Kosovo bidSERBIA: A UN Security Council team is due to arrive in Serbia today to start a fact-finding mission on Kosovo, amid Russian …Wed Apr 25 2007 - 01:00
Suspension of Romanian president concerns EUROMANIA: Romania's highest court rejected President Traian Basescu's appeal against suspension yesterday, amid expressions of…Sat Apr 21 2007 - 01:00
Ukrainian leaders close to compromiseUKRAINE: Ukraine's duelling president and prime minister, Viktor Yushchenko and Viktor Yanukovich, appeared to edge towards …Sat Apr 21 2007 - 01:00
Romanian parliament suspends presidentROMANIA: Romania's parliament suspended president Traian Basescu yesterday, intensifying his battle with prime minister Calin…Fri Apr 20 2007 - 01:00
Serbia seeks allies in drive to halt Kosovo's ambitionsSERBIA: Serbian president Boris Tadic warned yesterday that an independent Kosovo could destabilise the whole of Europe as Belgrade…Thu Apr 19 2007 - 01:00
Ukraine's political rivals plead their cause in EuropeUkraine: Ukraine's highest court yesterday began considering the legality of President Viktor Yushchenko's decree to dissolve…Wed Apr 18 2007 - 01:00
Four Serbs jailed for Srebrenica murdersSERBIA: A Belgrade court jailed four Serb paramilitaries yesterday over the filmed execution of Bosnian Muslim civilians from…Wed Apr 11 2007 - 01:00
Ukraine judges seek bodyguardsUKRAINE: Ukraine's political crisis grew even murkier yesterday when judges from the constitutional court asked for bodyguards…Wed Apr 11 2007 - 01:00
Slovenian defies beasts and bandits to swim AmazonSlovenia: Slovenians are celebrating after compatriot Martin Strel defied deadly animals, tropical diseases and river bandits…Mon Apr 09 2007 - 01:00
Deadlock at Ukraine talksTalks between Ukraine's president and prime minister failed to end the country's political crisis yesterday as thousands of protesters…Sat Apr 07 2007 - 01:00
Serbia hails UN Kosovo visitSERBIA: Serbia has hailed a United Nations plan to send a Security Council fact-finding team to Kosovo as a small victory in…Sat Apr 07 2007 - 01:00
Ukrainian rivals swap threatsUKRAINE: Ukraine's president and prime minister threatened to prosecute each other yesterday for violating the constitution …Fri Apr 06 2007 - 01:00
Political foes trade accusations in UkraineUkraine: Supporters of Ukraine's feuding president and prime minister faced off across police lines in central Kiev yesterday…Thu Apr 05 2007 - 01:00
Ukraine PM claims president plotting a coupUKRAINE: Ukraine's president Viktor Yushchenko has refused to reverse a decision to dissolve parliament and call early elections…Wed Apr 04 2007 - 01:00
Romanian prime minister tells EU new cabinet will fight corruptionROMANIA: Romanian prime minister Calin Tariceanu assured the European Union yesterday that his new cabinet would fight corruption…Tue Apr 03 2007 - 01:00
Romania PM sacks Basescu alliesRomania: Romania's prime minister Calin Tariceanu raised the stakes in his feud with President Traian Basescu yesterday by sacking…Mon Apr 02 2007 - 01:00
Balkan neighbours defend record on corruptionBULGARIA: Bulgaria and Romania have defended their records on crime and corruption during their first three months as EU members…Sat Mar 31 2007 - 01:00
Romanian president's clashes with PM prompt suspension callROMANIA: A Romanian parliamentary commission has recommended suspending and impeaching President Traian Basescu for repeatedly…Thu Mar 22 2007 - 00:00
Former allies fail to agree truce in Romanian feudROMANIA: Romania slipped further into political crisis yesterday as its ruling parties failed to agree a truce in their bitter…Wed Mar 21 2007 - 00:00
Pressure on leaders to accept Kosovo planUS/BALKANS: A senior US official has urged Serb and Kosovo Albanian leaders to accept a controversial United Nations' plan for…Thu Mar 08 2007 - 00:00
Irish-aided project helps give Roma children hopeLetter from Belgrade: Sprawled between a roaring motorway bridge and a clanking railway line, the decrepit shacks of Staro Sajmiste…Wed Mar 07 2007 - 00:00
New Estonian coalition likely to be more vigorously anti-RussianESTONIA: Estonian prime minister Andrus Ansip is expected to use his new mandate to form a fresh coalition government that will…Tue Mar 06 2007 - 00:00
Pressure on Romanian minister worries EUROMANIA: Romania's president Traian Basescu has urged prime minister Calin Tariceanu not to postpone the country's first elections…Mon Mar 05 2007 - 00:00
Over 30,000 Estonians cast ballots onlineESTONIA: While Ireland's electronic voting system remains in cold storage, about one in 30 Estonian voters have cast their ballots…Fri Mar 02 2007 - 00:00
Inquiry follows fatal fire at hospiceLATVIA: Latvian investigators believe a fire in a hospice that killed up to 25 disabled residents may have started in an attic…Mon Feb 26 2007 - 00:00
Blaze at care home in Latvia kills 25 residentsLATVIA: A fire at a Latvian home for elderly and disabled people killed at least 25 people yesterday in one of the worst fires…Sat Feb 24 2007 - 00:00
Row erupts between Croatia, Italy over wartime killingsEU: The EU is trying to defuse a bitter row between Croatia and Italy that has stirred up lingering resentment over atrocities…Thu Feb 15 2007 - 00:00
Two die as UN plan sparks Kosovo riotsSerbia: Kosovo's leaders pleaded for calm yesterday after two people were killed in riots against a United Nations plan to give…Mon Feb 12 2007 - 00:00
Envoy unveils Kosovo road map towards independenceSERBIA: United Nations envoy Martii Ahtisaari finally unveiled his plan for Kosovo yesterday, angering Serbia and broadly pleasing…Sat Feb 03 2007 - 00:00
Swimmer takes on the AmazonPERU: Having swum the Danube, Mississippi and Yangtze rivers, Slovene Martin Strel will take his biggest plunge today - when…Thu Feb 01 2007 - 00:00
Journeying across deep chasm of mistrust between Kosovars and SerbsLetter from Gracanica: The man from Roberti's Taxis didn't fancy this fareWed Jan 31 2007 - 00:00
Protests over US radar base planned for Czech RepublicCZECH REPUBLIC: Demonstrators vowed to defy an official ban on a march through Prague last night, which is protesting against…Tue Jan 30 2007 - 00:00
Serbia's 'Jackie Kennedy' takes on political legacyLetter from Belgrade: Pitied for her public suffering, admired for her dignity and style, the soubriquet of "Serbia's Jackie…Thu Jan 25 2007 - 00:00
Radicals win election but coalition battle beginsSERBIA: Serbia's ultra-nationalist Radicals acknowledged yesterday that they would not get a chance to run the country despite…Tue Jan 23 2007 - 00:00
Serbian Radicals look set for victory in electionSerbia: Serbia's ultra-nationalist Radical Party appeared last night to have beaten the western-backed, pro-EU Democratic Party…Mon Jan 22 2007 - 00:00
Former Dublin resident Rajkov stands on disabilitySERBIA: In the unforgiving, macho world of Serbian politics, Gordana Rajkov, diminutive, blonde and 60 years old, is making …Sat Jan 20 2007 - 00:00
Russians warn against 'imposed settlement' on KosovoUN: Serbian officials have again urged the UN to delay a final decision on Kosovo's bid for independence yesterday, while Russia…Wed Jan 17 2007 - 00:00
EU celebrates Slovenia's transition to euro zoneSLOVENIA: European leaders gathered in Slovenia yesterday to congratulate it on becoming the first former communist state to…Tue Jan 16 2007 - 00:00
Bosnia revokes citizenships granted to foreign MuslimsBosnia: Under pressure from western states over fears it may become a European base for Islamic terror cells, Bosnia is revoking…Mon Jan 15 2007 - 00:00
All Polish bishops to face spy inquiryPOLAND: Every Polish bishop is to be investigated to see whether he collaborated with the communist secret police, as the Catholic…Sat Jan 13 2007 - 00:00
UN urged to postpone decision on KosovoSERBIA: Serb president Boris Tadic has urged the United Nations to delay a decision on Kosovo's bid for independence until after…Sat Jan 06 2007 - 00:00
Sudden death of 'father of all Turkmens' leaves power vacuum in central AsiaTURKMENISTAN: The sudden death of one of the world's oddest and most oppressive rulers has thrown into doubt the future of Turkmenistan…Fri Dec 22 2006 - 00:00
Prelate faces police link claimPOLAND: The new archbishop of Warsaw, Stanislaw Wielgus, was accused yesterday of collaborating with the communist-era secret…Thu Dec 21 2006 - 00:00
Medics in Libya Aids trial are sentenced to deathLIBYA: A Libyan court sentenced five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor to death yesterday for infecting more than 400…Wed Dec 20 2006 - 00:00
Ryanair lampoons Polish politiciansPoland: Ryanair has lampooned Poland's scandal-ridden government, offering to help teachers escape their ultra-nationalist education…Sat Dec 16 2006 - 00:00
Milosevic widow accuses the WestSerbia: The widow of former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic called yesterday for Western officials be held responsible…Sat Dec 16 2006 - 00:00
Poles set to restage Solidarity protestsPOLAND: Young Poles were preparing last night to stage mock clashes between Solidarity activists and riot police on the streets…Wed Dec 13 2006 - 00:00
Seselj wins concessions from war crimes courtSERBIA: Allies of Serb hardline nationalist leader Vojislav Seselj have hailed him as a "world symbol of struggle" after the…Tue Dec 12 2006 - 00:00