Russia states opposition to sanctions campaign against IranRUSSIA: Russia said yesterday that it opposed using sanctions to stop Iran enriching nuclear fuel, while Britain announced that…Fri Oct 06 2006 - 01:00
Renaissance Pole who rejigged God's universeLetter from Torun: If you take one thing home from Torun, said my Polish friend, let it be thisThu Oct 05 2006 - 01:00
Bulgarian MP's remarks on Roma MEP criticisedBULGARIA: A Bulgarian MP has been accused of racism and sexism after complaining that a Hungarian Roma politician was not young…Wed Oct 04 2006 - 01:00
Election results reflect ethnic rivalry in BosniaBOSNIA: Bosnia's Serbs and Muslims have elected leaders with opposing views of the county's future, prompting fears of increased…Tue Oct 03 2006 - 01:00
Withdrawal of Serbian coalition partner could trigger electionsSERBIA: A key liberal party withdrew from Serbia's coalition government yesterday, increasing the likelihood of early elections…Mon Oct 02 2006 - 01:00
EU urges reform ahead of tense Bosnian electionsBOSNIA: Javier Solana, the EU's foreign policy chief, has urged Bosnian leaders to push through vital reforms amid rising ethnic…Fri Sept 29 2006 - 01:00
Key aide to Polish PM is accused of briberyPOLAND: Poland's government is in crisis after a key architect of its promised "moral revolution" was accused of trying to bribe…Thu Sept 28 2006 - 01:00
Polish priest's spy claims criticisedPOLAND: A Polish priest has defied his Church superiors by naming nine Catholic clerics among 37 people who he says spied on…Thu Sept 28 2006 - 01:00
Slovenian president to get funds to travelSLOVENIA: After resigning himself to missing a United Nations summit and to crossing Europe by car to visit Spain, Slovenian…Tue Sept 19 2006 - 01:00
Israel and Poland play down frictionMiddle East: The presidents of Poland and Israel insisted yesterday that their countries were firm friends, despite the presence…Tue Sept 12 2006 - 01:00
Montenegro PM claims victory in state's first electionMontenegro: Milo Djukanovic, who for 15 years has ruled Montenegro as president and prime minister, celebrated victory yesterday…Tue Sept 12 2006 - 01:00
Ruling coalition expected to triumph in MontenegroMONTENEGRO: The architects of Montenegro's split from Serbia look set to triumph tomorrow when the world's youngest independent…Sat Sept 09 2006 - 01:00
Nato seeks more troops as bomb kills 16 in KabulAFGHANISTAN: Nato defence chiefs agreed yesterday they must plug shortfalls in peacekeeping troops in Afghanistan, an alliance…Sat Sept 09 2006 - 01:00
Serbs' breakaway threatSerbia: The leader of Bosnia's Serbs has threatened to push for independence for his region unless it is granted equality with…Thu Sept 07 2006 - 01:00
Missile defence plan on trackEastern Europe: Plans for a European arm of the US missile defence system are taking shape, with the Czech Republic now the …Thu Sept 07 2006 - 01:00
Czech party to seek early poll to end stalemateCZECH REPUBLIC: The Czech Republic's centre-right Civic Democrats are set to propose an interim government and early elections…Wed Aug 30 2006 - 01:00
Romanian leader denies collaborationROMANIA: Romanian president Traian Basescu has denied collaborating with the communist-era secret police, after newly-opened…Fri Aug 18 2006 - 01:00
Czech premier set to quit post in deal with rivalsCZECH REPUBLIC: Czech prime minister Jiri Paroubek plans to step down today, opening the door for a new government to take power…Wed Aug 16 2006 - 01:00
Saucy cartoon aspires to lure a younger clienteleLetter from Lake Balaton: As a balmy breeze slides his boat across sun-kissed Lake Balaton, a married man watches a voluptuous…Tue Aug 15 2006 - 01:00
Pluto faces relegation as a planetSPACE: Astronomers from around the world have begun deliberations that could lead to the solar system being officially expanded…Tue Aug 15 2006 - 01:00
Romanian PM wants spies out of mediaROMANIA: Romania's prime minister has urged the secret service to withdraw its agents from the country's newsrooms after it …Fri Aug 11 2006 - 01:00
Poles' death penalty call angers EUPOLAND: Calls by senior Polish officials to restore the death penalty have drawn a sharp rebuke from the EU and the Council …Sat Aug 05 2006 - 01:00
Polish president urges EU to restore death penaltyPOLAND: Poland's conservative president, Lech Kaczynski, could be on a collision course with the EU after urging member states…Sat Jul 29 2006 - 01:00
Thousands may lose jobs in Polish 'purge'POLAND: Hundreds of thousands of Poles could be sacked from work because they allegedly collaborated with the communist-era …Wed Jul 26 2006 - 01:00
Some signs of compromise in Czech stalemateCZECH REPUBLIC: President Vaclav Klaus has warned the Czech Republic that fresh elections may be the only way to resolve political…Tue Jul 25 2006 - 01:00
Kosovo's leaders to push for independence in talksKOSOVO: Kosovo's ethnic Albanian leaders will push for independence today at their first face-to-face meeting with Serbia's …Mon Jul 24 2006 - 01:00
Banned Latvian Gay Pride marchers set upon as they left MassLATVIA: Skinheads and Christian groups hurled abuse, eggs and bags of human faeces at participants in a Gay Pride march through…Mon Jul 24 2006 - 01:00
Security chiefs quit in Romania debacleROMANIA: Romania's top prosecutor resigned yesterday, following the example of the country's three intelligence chiefs, after…Sat Jul 22 2006 - 01:00
Thousands of children used as spies by Ceausescu's policeROMANIA: The dreaded secret police of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu recruited thousands of children to spy on schoolfriends…Fri Jul 21 2006 - 01:00
Polish workers freed from 'concentration camp' farmITALY: Police in southern Italy have freed 113 Poles from forced labour on a farm investigators compared to a concentration …Thu Jul 20 2006 - 01:00
Choir director on trial for sex abuseCZECH REPUBLIC: An internationally renowned Czech children's choir has been rocked by accusations that for 20 years its director…Wed Jul 19 2006 - 01:00
Tycoons jostle for a stretch of Adriatic coastline that won Shaw's heartMontenegro Letter Life moves slowly through the summer heat of Montenegro, and the wail and roar of an official motorcade barely…Thu Jul 13 2006 - 01:00
Czech president may intervene in coalition rowCZECH REPUBLIC: Czech president Vaclav Klaus is preparing to intervene in a row between the country's two biggest parties that…Wed Jul 12 2006 - 01:00
Bright spark unites Croats, SerbsCroatia and Serbia: Croatia and Serbia celebrated 150 years since the birth of Nikola Tesla yesterday, finally uniting around…Tue Jul 11 2006 - 01:00
Macedonia opposition celebrates winMACEDONIA: Macedonia's conservative opposition party is celebrating victory in general elections praised by the European Union…Fri Jul 07 2006 - 01:00
Macedonians set for peaceful electionsMACEDONIA: President Branko Crvenkovski has urged Macedonians to conduct a free, fair and peaceful general election today, five…Wed Jul 05 2006 - 01:00
Serbia furious at release of Oric, the 'defender of Srebrenica'The Balkans: Bosnian Muslims have welcomed home war-time commander Naser Oric amid furious reaction from Serb leaders to his…Mon Jul 03 2006 - 01:00
Lithuanian parliament vetoes nominee for prime ministerLITHUANIA: Lithuania's parliament has rejected the attempt of Zigmantas Balcytis to become prime minister, nudging the Baltic…Wed Jun 21 2006 - 01:00
Slovaks take a turn to the left and look set to vote out PMSlovakia: Reform-weary Slovaks look likely to oust eastern Europe's longest-serving prime minister when they go the polls today…Sat Jun 17 2006 - 01:00
Bosnia admits renditions violated human rights lawBosnia-Herzegovina: Bosnia-Herzegovina has admitted ignoring legal norms to hand six Algerian-born men to US forces, who then…Fri Jun 16 2006 - 01:00
Balcytis promises stable LithuaniaLithuania: Lithuania's acting prime minister Zigmantas Balcytis pledged to stabilise his country's political scene and lead …Fri Jun 16 2006 - 01:00
Unesco team to examine claims of Europe's first ancient pyramidBosnia: Researchers from Unesco are to examine a hill near Sarajevo where a businessman-cum-archaeologist claims to have found…Thu Jun 15 2006 - 01:00
Thousands for Warsaw gay parade despite oppositionPOLAND: Thousands of people are expected to join a gay parade through Warsaw today, amid growing international unease over Polish…Sat Jun 10 2006 - 01:00
Angry rejection from Poland, RomaniaEuropean reaction: Poland and Romania angrily rejected Council of Europe accusations yesterday that they hosted secret prisons…Thu Jun 08 2006 - 01:00
Murder darkens Serbia's independenceSERBIA: Serbia formally declared independence yesterday, after Montenegro scrapped its union with Belgrade, but the event was…Tue Jun 06 2006 - 01:00
Montenegro officially declares independenceMONTENEGRO: Montenegro has officially declared independence from Serbia, severing the final, frayed bond of the old Yugoslav…Mon Jun 05 2006 - 01:00
Czech PM blames smears for poll defeatCZECH REPUBLIC: Czech prime minister Jiri Paroubek has grudgingly accepted election defeat, blaming it on a smear campaign that…Mon Jun 05 2006 - 01:00
Czechs vote after bitter campaignCZECH REPUBLIC: Czechs went to the polls yesterday after a bitter general election campaign in which mudslinging obscured a …Sat Jun 03 2006 - 01:00
Lithuania cabinet resigns as coalition breaks upLITHUANIA: Lithuania's government collapsed yesterday amid allegations of corruption by cabinet ministers, raising the possibility…Thu Jun 01 2006 - 01:00
Serb and Kosovo officials continue talksSERBIA: Officials from Kosovo and Belgrade met again yesterday to discuss Kosovo's bid for independence from Serbia.Thu Jun 01 2006 - 01:00