David McWilliams: Ireland has too many stockbrokers and lawyers, not enough engineersThe Davy affair reveals how much money is sloshing around for people who don’t innovateSat Mar 13 2021 - 06:00
David McWilliams: This St Patrick’s Day, Ireland should do a vaccine deal with the USOther countries have put the welfare of citizens first and secured alternative vaccinesSat Mar 06 2021 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Why Ireland will recover faster than othersState has had the most stringent lockdown and will have the most effervescent upswingSat Feb 27 2021 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The economics of the drug trade and the case for legalisationWe can undertake a social experiment no one thought possible before the pandemicSat Feb 20 2021 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Ireland builds houses at the wrong time, in the wrong place, at the wrong priceThe housing units we plan to build will not be enough, not by halfSat Feb 13 2021 - 06:00
David McWilliams: A solution to Irish house-price sillinessGermany make wages the basis of house prices. Ireland does it the other way roundSat Feb 06 2021 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Covid-19 and Zoom will not finish off DublinThe city needs to change from a shopping and work entrepot to a living, artisanal centreSat Jan 30 2021 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Why the young are priced out of the Irish economyIreland’s model of 'rentier capitalism' is stacked against the younger generationSat Jan 23 2021 - 06:00
David McWilliams: What Doc Martens can teach us about wealthThe company that made boots for punks and skins is floating on London’s stock exchangeSat Jan 16 2021 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Capitol rioters can’t stop the economic forces undermining their tribeThe white working class is slipping down the US and global pecking orderSat Jan 09 2021 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Covid and Brexit a confluence of opportunity for IrelandIreland could be in for a manufacturing renaissance in the coming decadeSat Jan 02 2021 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The 2020 changes that are here to stay2020 in review: From how we think about money to the working week, some lessons will stick with usSat Dec 26 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The Airbnb mania gripping Silicon Valley and Wall Street has me worriedAs its share price neared $140, I was reminded of the ‘canal mania’ of the late 1700sSat Dec 19 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The break-up of the United Kingdom has just acceleratedDUP’s Brexit manoeuvring has done more to undermine the Union than Sinn FéinSat Dec 12 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Start building and don’t stop until we have all-island transportAll-island infrastructure hasn’t been considered for 100 years. Too longSat Dec 05 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: We need to reinvent our empty city car parksUrban car parks will soon be like suburban churches: empty relics of a bygone eraSat Nov 28 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The business trip is dead. Dublin goes into mourningSurprising amount of urban economy depends on maligned business travellerSat Nov 21 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Ireland is facing a golden opportunity for its economyVaccine, low rates and madness of King Boris have changed our economic outlookSat Nov 14 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Middle-aged unemployment is Ireland’s new growth areaCurrent alarm rightly focuses on youth, but there is another long-term structural problemSat Nov 07 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: A plan to put Ireland’s 200,000 vacant buildings to useDuring the most acute housing crisis we have faced, close to 15% of properties are vacantSat Oct 31 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Lockdown decision makers still get paid. Those they shut down do notGovernment should aid small businesses directly to help prevent bankruptciesSat Oct 24 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The rules of the property game have changedA meaningful dereliction tax would change the game further, and for the betterSat Oct 17 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Why an Irish mortgage costs €80k more than a German oneThis lamentable situation could end if State-owned AIB offered loans at the ECB rateSat Oct 10 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The young people partying in Galway are our futureRather than vilify them, let’s nurture them and invest in them now while we canSat Oct 03 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The better the economy does, the more Covid-19 spreadsBluntly, there will be no economic momentum as long as we have lockdownsSat Sept 26 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Johnson’s UK and Milosevic’s Yugoslavia – spot the differenceThis could be the beginning of the end of the UK as the centre now struggles to holdSat Sept 19 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The UK’s economic illiteracy is Ireland’s opportunityInvestment that might have gone to the UK can come here. Our job is to manage itSat Sept 12 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Italy has done us a huge favour by defeating Germany on monetary policyThe Germans have been boxed in by Italy. Fiscal policy has become monetary policySat Sept 05 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Nobody’s lending. Nobody’s borrowing. Here’s what to doWe are in a classic ‘liquidity trap’, and lowering interest rates won’t get us out of itSat Aug 29 2020 - 08:54
David McWilliams: There is a vaccine to immunise the economy. It’s the bond marketMedically, Ireland is to continue with the lockdown strategy, so what is our economic plan?Sat Aug 22 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: It is time for a major property resetEmployees who work from home will set the rent agenda and change the face of our citiesSat Aug 15 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: John Hume understood the power of creditDerry Credit Union gave the city’s downtrodden the power to imagine a better futureSat Aug 08 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The State can finance everything for nothing – if it wants toWhatever the obstacles to social change in modern Ireland, money is not oneSat Aug 01 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: How Covid-19 could change Lahinch and Ranelagh for the betterIn a pandemic, unlike a recession, spending is constrained not by income but by fearSat Jul 25 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Apple decision shows Ireland is not a tax havenTax is not just about raising revenue, it is a legitimate part of our economic arsenalSat Jul 18 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The Pandession is destroying Ireland’s Craic EconomyIncome in the ‘Craic Economy’ – composed of bars, clubs and festivals – has dropped to zeroSat Jul 11 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Governments can't 'create' jobs, so why do they keep pontificating about it?It’s businesses, not governments, that create jobs. So politicians should stop promising themSat Jul 04 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: ‘Do whatever it takes to cushion the blow of Covid-19’Europe’s most conservative institution is – rightly – ripping up its own rule bookSat Jun 27 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The programme for government will leave young people behindIreland is experiencing a generational divide both politically and economicallySat Jun 20 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: It’s time for a new Irish economic modelCoronavirus pandemic gives us the opportunity to think big and reimagine the countrySat Jun 13 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: We won't have another 1980s-style recessionIreland today is utterly different. Comparisons with the 1980s are lazy and inaccurateSat Jun 06 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Ignore the austerity ‘jihadis’. Here’s an alternative economic strategyThe solution to financial woes brought about by Covid-19 is obvious. It is called JapanSat May 30 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Beware Paschal Donohoe’s conventional thinkingSaving the economy today, to grow tomorrow, requires assertive macro-economic policySat May 23 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: We are living through a ‘Pandession’ – here's how we escapeThere is an opportunity for Ireland in this unique 21st-century economic scenarioSat May 16 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: When will the money run out in the Covid-19 pandemic?The money will not run out unless the Central Bank decides not to provide itSat May 09 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: How to avoid an economic depressionThe new government must make saving small businesses its top prioritySat May 02 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Health crisis has now become a wealth crisisSolving the economic crisis we find ourselves in due to Covid-19 is actually quite simpleSat Apr 25 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Here’s how we can avoid the predicted depressionThe Corona shut down is not normal. Therefore, economic policy has to be abnormalSat Apr 18 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: We should reopen the youth economy firstRecovery and immunity rates are higher for young people. So release them firstSat Apr 11 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: We must loosen up on financing pandemic spending nowIf the EU, ECB and all governments meet this economic crisis head on, Europe has a chanceSat Apr 04 2020 - 06:00