David McWilliams: We need to totally reimagine economicsOur Central Bank has unforgivably abdicated in this crisis, precisely when it was neededSat Mar 28 2020 - 09:58
World will need new financial system after Covid-19We need to avoid putting current system back together with sticking plasterWed Mar 25 2020 - 01:27
David McWilliams: The most critical objective is to keep businesses afloatThe best way to keep people in jobs and buy time is to give all adults ‘helicopter money’Sat Mar 21 2020 - 01:00
David McWilliams: Why Central Bank must give everyone free money right nowIs such a move a one-off to tackle Covid-19 crisis? Yes. Can it be done? AbsolutelySat Mar 14 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The coronavirus loves shopping, hospitality and entertainmentChina has put the economy to sleep. The US is trying to shake it awake – with limited successSat Mar 07 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: ‘I’m all right Jack’ politics has fuelled the rise of Sinn FéinFine Gael and Fianna Fáil helped create Mary Lou McDonald’s electoral juggernautFri Feb 28 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Germany needs a new business modelGermany may be about to enter a convulsive period economically, socially and politicallySat Feb 22 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Which coalition contenders are most economically compatible?There is not much between the coalition candidates on policy – until it comes to taxSat Feb 15 2020 - 13:27
David McWilliams: You will be a victim of the coronavirusEconomic contagion spreads far more easily than physical illness in a globalised worldSat Feb 08 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Bonanzavirus has struck Ireland this election, and there is no antidoteThis virus is highly contagious, spreading rapidly from politician to politicianSat Feb 01 2020 - 06:00
Ireland’s housing crisis in five revealing graphsMore houses are being built, but not enough, while prices and rents are climbing too fastSun Jan 26 2020 - 05:00
David McWilliams: A fall in house prices should be our goalHome ownership was supposed to give people a stake in society. Today nothing is locking out and alienating our citizens moreSat Jan 25 2020 - 06:30
David McWilliams: Introduce a congestion charge and make public transport freeWhy can’t our politicians adopt two simple economic solutions to traffic chaos?Sat Jan 18 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The party that taxes land hoarding will get my voteThe general election will be a battle between the brickie and the bookkeeperSat Jan 11 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Eight global economic trends affecting IrelandBrexit, low growth and inequality could all have an impact as the Irish election loomsSat Jan 04 2020 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Where is the slowdown experts warned us about?Year in Review: Forecasters underestimated the success of the Irish economy in 2019Sat Dec 28 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Brexit and the economics of love/hateLove, trust and human connection are among the essentials of economicsSat Dec 21 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Spend, spend, spend. A worried nation lives for todayA close-up view of Latin America’s political crisis, from insecure ArgentinaSat Dec 14 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Without multinationals, Ireland is a bad-weather AlbaniaMultinationals have transformed Ireland for the better, plugging us into the globeSat Dec 07 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: A Swift lesson in Irish economicsWhat would Jonathan Swift make of today’s anti-multinationals lunacy? Not muchSat Nov 30 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The post-Trump era could see the disruption of capitalismElizabeth Warren wants to reset an economy destroyed by vast inequalitySat Nov 23 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Ireland’s Monopoly money rents are no gameWe should tax landlords instead of the workers being priced out of the marketSat Nov 16 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Ireland was the big winner from the fall of the Berlin WallAfter the wall fell, Ireland’s middle class expanded and mainland Europe’s shrankSat Nov 09 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Burger King, Irish farmers and the end of meatPlant-based meat could be the most significant change in the human diet in centuriesSat Nov 02 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Pessimism is the enemy of entrepreneurial creativityCommercial risk-takers get too little credit for their valuable role in the Irish economySat Oct 26 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The economics I learned are now wrongRapid disappearance of inflation has made workers poorer. And that’s not its worst effectSat Oct 19 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: If Cork can’t succeed economically, Ireland will regressCork doesn’t need to emulate Manhattan, but a significant increase in building is neededSat Oct 12 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Wealth tax for Irish ultra-rich makes senseWith both the left and right agitating for the move worldwide, it might happenSat Oct 05 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: If I were Paschal Donohoe, here is what I would doThe budget should be a multi-decade plan to provide proper public infrastructureSat Sept 28 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: I have never seen as much entrepreneurial activityThese consummate entrepreneurs are buying and selling as if their lives depended on itSat Sept 21 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: What the world’s megacities can teach DublinDubai’s foreign labour record is appalling, but it could teach us a thing or two about urban visionFri Sept 20 2019 - 17:09
David McWilliams: Why Irish apartment rents are like the Cuban car marketIf you restrict supply amid huge demand, even old bangers become hugely expensiveSat Sept 07 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Dún Laoghaire typifies Ireland’s poor use of landCrippled by years of bad planning, Dún Laoghaire and towns like it must now lead the waySat Aug 31 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Why your boss earns so much more than youDay of the clock-in clock-out salaryman is fading as earnings inequality grows unabatedSat Aug 24 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Brexit is an opportunity. Let’s use itTo make Brexit work for us, we must build up our cities, invest in transport and tax landSat Aug 17 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The rules of economics have changed. Could someone tell central bankers?Disruptive technology has rewritten the economic rulebook, but the old manual is still in useSat Aug 10 2019 - 06:19
David McWilliams: Boris Johnson is like an incompetent kidnapper taking Ireland hostageThe Brexit long game is glaringly obvious and is the one on which we must concentrateSat Aug 03 2019 - 06:00
Brexit Britain: The more demented our neighbour looks, the saner Ireland appearsDavid McWilliams: Ireland needs to pay more attention to global trends than regional onesSat Jul 27 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Chinese are boxing clever by muscling in on AfricaBy 2100, a quarter of all humans will be African, so China’s gamble could pay offSat Jul 20 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Stop the recession talk. It’s not happeningBurned by the 2008 bust, today’s Irish officials preach caution and warn of crashesSat Jul 13 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: If Boris Johnson is the answer, what is the question?The next stage of Brexit will pit the Oxford Union posh boys against the Bruges eurocratsSat Jul 06 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: We need to move public servants out of DublinMoving public servants out of the capital is a solution to several Irish problemsSat Jun 29 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The UK’s next prime minister could be its lastThe Conservative Party has abandoned metropolitan England. This is a huge changeSat Jun 22 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: The Government needs to cut spending now – but it will notWhen things are going well and demand is strong, like now, the State should dampen itSat Jun 15 2019 - 15:39
David McWilliams: Trump’s gut instinct on China might be rightThe United States is not getting any stronger. China is the growing economic powerSat Jun 08 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Green surge has created a political battleEurope is now split between the politics of behaviour and the politics of identitySat Jun 01 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Ireland again faces a global property cycle falloutWorldwide, the 10-year debt binge is coming to an end. These things rarely end pleasantlySat May 25 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: Grand Canal Dock and a story of manic speculationStockmarket speculators may have Uber–extended themselves – and not for the first timeMon May 20 2019 - 12:00
David McWilliams: Rural broadband plan is a gift of billions to private firmThe State will pay most upfront costs, then give away our investment. Take that inSat May 11 2019 - 06:00
David McWilliams: It makes economic sense to legalise drugsAll sorts of Irish people take drugs, often a lot of drugs. Prohibition just makes things worseSat May 04 2019 - 06:00