US berates EU over continued Iran tiesWarsaw forum told trade with Tehran threat to sanctions against ‘murderous’ regimeThu Feb 14 2019 - 20:06
Polish public television sues critics after mayor stabbingStation says it is making ‘an exception in the case of the widow’ as she is in mourningWed Feb 13 2019 - 18:40
‘We’re back to communist times, he feared being bugged,’ says murdered Gdansk mayor's brotherPawel Adamowicz’s sibling believes he was the target of a public media hate campaignWed Feb 13 2019 - 01:00
Franco-German alliance reaches agreement on Russian gas pipelineFrench concerns about reliance on Russia for energy salved as Germany agrees to regulateFri Feb 08 2019 - 20:02
Mockery greets Berlin’s ‘megalomaniacal’ new spy HQProject has taken 11 years to complete, and has been dogged by theft and cost overrunsFri Feb 08 2019 - 18:00
Love Parade stampede cases are struck outRelatives of 21 people killed are outraged after judge says there is not enough evidenceWed Feb 06 2019 - 21:54
SPD propose welfare reforms to halt its dramatic slideGermany’s oldest political party gripped by existential crisis following election disastersWed Feb 06 2019 - 19:32
Let’s talk about Ireland’s missing Magdalene menWhat made many Irish men treat women as badly as they did?Wed Feb 06 2019 - 01:30
A legal battle breaks out over the legacy of a notorious Nazi collaboratorBerlin Letter: Stella Goldschlag dreamed of film stardom, but betrayed her fellow JewsWed Feb 06 2019 - 01:00
Robert Biedron is latest political hope of Poland’s leftGay politician’s new party targets progressive, left-oriented Poles with pro-EU messageMon Feb 04 2019 - 17:46
Brexit: Merkel suggests ‘creative’ approach on the BorderDavid Trimble plans to take UK government to court over backstop agreementMon Feb 04 2019 - 17:32
Berliners find foul issue of filthy city air is a real curseGerman city trying everything to dodge emissions order banning older diesel vehiclesTue Jan 29 2019 - 01:00
Merkel dodges Brexit for blazer jibesGerman chancellor opens up about her political life as a woman and an East GermanThu Jan 24 2019 - 18:32
AfD MPs walk out on Holocaust survivor’s speechGerman far-right party criticises ‘defamatory’ address to Bavarian parliamentWed Jan 23 2019 - 19:47
Angela Merkel pledges to fill new Franco-German treaty ‘with life’Move to revive motor at heart of EU projectTue Jan 22 2019 - 17:57
Germany joins Ireland in rejecting proposed ‘five-year’ backstop limitPolish foreign minister says London, Dublin ‘playing chicken’ over post-Brexit borderMon Jan 21 2019 - 21:41
‘Germanness’ obsession of AfD ‘justifies state surveillance’Report is a further stage towards full state scrutiny of far-right party’s leaders and communicationMon Jan 21 2019 - 18:11
German Brexit plan: keep calm and carry onMerkle says she regrets deeply vote result on Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement with EUWed Jan 16 2019 - 19:59
Poles blame toxic political climate for murder of Gdansk mayorKilling is low point in modern Poland and its sundering post-communist consensusTue Jan 15 2019 - 20:00
Germany’s united front on Brexit crumbles ahead of London’s Tuesday voteNo-deal Brexit could spell chaos for German manufacturers and exporters, study warnsTue Jan 15 2019 - 06:00
Mayor of Gdansk dies after stabbing at concertPawel Adamowicz (53) suffered wounds to heart and abdomen in charity event attackMon Jan 14 2019 - 15:20
Germany’s new CDU leader vows tougher line on migrationAnnegret Kramp-Karrenbauer flags tougher line to recover public trust and party votersSun Jan 13 2019 - 17:36
Three German skiers latest casualties of extreme weather in central EuropeAustrian Alps avalanche claims lives of men as region is hit by worst snow in 20 yearsSun Jan 13 2019 - 16:07
Coalition compromise ends Sweden’s post-election deadlockCentre-left Social Democrats hit confidence-and-supply deal with centre-right partiesFri Jan 11 2019 - 19:37
Four go on trial for theft of gold coin from Berlin museum100kg coin worth €3.7 million believed to have been melted down shortly after theftThu Jan 10 2019 - 09:48
Attack on AfD’s Bremen leader leaves Germany’s left wing paralysedParty has taken opponents’ hesitation as proof of double standards over political violenceWed Jan 09 2019 - 19:36
German man who survived abortion dies aged 21Tim, who had Down syndrome, was adopted by foster parents who became campaignersWed Jan 09 2019 - 10:34
Days of snowfall have cut off Austrian and German towns from the outside worldEight people have been killed and others are missing as Austrian civil authorities warn citizens to stock up on suppliesTue Jan 08 2019 - 16:43
German data hacker says he was ‘annoyed’ by politicians20-year-old student working in bedroom admits being behind huge leak of personal dataTue Jan 08 2019 - 15:05
Computer specialist investigated over link to German data theftInvestigators say they have questioned several people in relation to mass data hackMon Jan 07 2019 - 19:11
German authorities seek Irish help over ‘very serious’ data hackHundreds of politicians and media figures caught in Germany’s biggest data dumpFri Jan 04 2019 - 18:20
Nostalgia for Deutschmark fades as Germans accept euroStability of euro key to Berlin amid external pressures on EU from China and the USFri Jan 04 2019 - 01:00
Germany considers reforms to 20-year-old ‘eco-tax’Tax introduced by SPD-Green coalition led to rise in fuel prices by 20% in first four yearsThu Jan 03 2019 - 00:54
Angela Merkel: the rise and fall of Germany’s great pragmatistThe underestimated easterner steered Germany through crisis. But her pact with voters finally shatteredSat Dec 29 2018 - 00:00
German cabinet approves new rules to simplify labour marketCountry has a shortage of qualified labourWed Dec 19 2018 - 21:20
‘Say it like it isn’t’: Der Spiegel fires fantasist over fictional reportageJournalist resigns after flaw exposed in otherwise ‘perfect’ stories – they weren’t trueWed Dec 19 2018 - 19:09
Germany backs third gender option on birth certificatesLaw facilitates document to be changed retrospectively if wrong gender first registeredFri Dec 14 2018 - 18:30
Abortion law brings first test for Merkel’s successor as CDU leaderKramp-Karrenbauer, who wants to win back conservative voters, opposed to law changeThu Dec 13 2018 - 18:27
Germany still supports Brexit backstopHowever senior officials decline to confirm support would remain in the futureWed Dec 12 2018 - 18:09
EU willing to give May assurances backstop not intended as permanentJuncker says there is ‘no room whatsoever’ for renegotiation of the withdrawal treatyWed Dec 12 2018 - 00:32
New CDU leader starts work on long to-do list – without payAnnegret Kramp-Karrenbauer must grasp the nettle of migration while building powerMon Dec 10 2018 - 18:45
King of the road: German town lights up for Elvis after 60 yearsFriedberg and Bad Nauheim pedestrian lights reflect memories of the American GIMon Dec 10 2018 - 17:23
German state governments demand surveillance of far-right AfDDossiers demand surveillance of populist party by domestic intelligence agencyMon Dec 10 2018 - 05:00
CDU looks ahead after Merkel’s ‘pussyfooting around’Delegates feel German voters want a new start, clear decisions and long-term strategySat Dec 08 2018 - 05:00
Tears and cheers as Merkel ally wins race to lead CDU partyAnnegret Kramp-Karrenbauer’s victory puts her in pole position to be German chancellorFri Dec 07 2018 - 20:06
Merkel’s successor is a risk-taker and a deal-makerAnnegret Kramp-Karrenbauer might have a testing transition ‘co-habitating’ with MerkelFri Dec 07 2018 - 19:26
Irish exporters have designs on Germany for growthMany exporters are looking to Germany for opportunities amid Brexit uncertaintyFri Dec 07 2018 - 05:24
CDU torn between Merkel’s chosen one and ‘a more polite Trump’Kramp-Karrenbauer is in the Merkel mould whereas Merz is seen as a departureFri Dec 07 2018 - 01:00
Q&A: How will Angela Merkel’s successor as CDU leader be chosen?In total 12 people running but a close race likely between Kramp-Karrenbauer and MerzThu Dec 06 2018 - 18:00