Food city: Luther’s shadow hangs over dining in BerlinGiven all the historical and religious baggage, it’s perhaps no surprise that Berliners have a complex, often contradictory relationship with their foodTue Nov 18 2014 - 06:00
Pope Benedict alters view on remarried couples taking CommunionDocument touches on debate over whether divorcees should be excluded from sacramentTue Nov 18 2014 - 01:00
Angela Merkel rejects criticism by Germany’s ‘wise men’State-appointed experts say her policies are undermining growth in GermanyWed Nov 12 2014 - 18:22
Tens of thousands gather to mark fall of Berlin WallGermany celebrates 25th anniversary of momentous event that ended 28 years of divisionMon Nov 10 2014 - 09:22
Ich bin ein Irish shopkeeper - tales from the fall of the Berlin WallIf the Berlin Wall hadn’t fallen – a quarter century ago tomorrow – Beate Lemcke says she might never have found her home from home in IrelandSat Nov 08 2014 - 01:00
Border guard’s snap decision ensured joyful end to WallOne man’s quick thinking helped make the fall of the wall, 25 years ago, a peaceful eventFri Nov 07 2014 - 23:00
Irish companies linked to further Luxembourg tax disclosuresPoliticians concerned over EU member state’s dealings with multinationalsFri Nov 07 2014 - 10:33
Former East German city works hard to avoid hitting the wallOver the last 25 years Neubrandenburg has overcome the challenges of unificationFri Nov 07 2014 - 01:40
Tax avoidance takes “axe” to European solidarity, German minister saysSigmar Gabriel calls on Juncker Commission to prioritise the issueThu Nov 06 2014 - 18:50
Berlin 25: The new German divisionGermans have to reconcile how they view themselves with how their neighbours in Europe see themThu Nov 06 2014 - 06:00
How the Berlin Wall fell: a chronologyCourage of people far beyond the divided city had already undermined and weakened Europe's most infamous structureThu Nov 06 2014 - 06:00
Berlin 25: Germany’s unification generationHow Germany’s so called ‘unity generation’ – those born around 1989 when the Berlin Wall tumbled – view the country’s divided pastThu Nov 06 2014 - 06:00
Berlin 25: ‘East Germans risked everything for reform’US-based historian Fritz Stern has lived through five incarnations of GermanyThu Nov 06 2014 - 06:00
Berlin 25: Germany’s shifting memory minefieldRevelations about the extent of Stasi power in East Germany have got in the way of a more rounded look at life there – until nowThu Nov 06 2014 - 06:00
Left Party on course to head state of ThuringiaSuccessor party to East Germany’s SED shatters another tabooTue Nov 04 2014 - 18:19
UK defiant after German warning on EU migrationNational interest comes first, says chancellor George Osborne after ‘Der Spiegel’ storyMon Nov 03 2014 - 21:55
Helmut Kohl blames Gerhard Schröder for euro woesIn new book, Germany’s ‘unity chancellor’ says successor made two ‘disgraceful’ decisionsMon Nov 03 2014 - 21:38
Germany urges troika ‘name and shame’ methodsRecommendations target members that ignore Brussels budget and reform policyMon Nov 03 2014 - 16:32
Why Germany is putting up €150m to boost prospects for Irish businessGerman finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble arrives in Dublin today to sign off on commitment from KfWSun Nov 02 2014 - 21:15
Initial €800m SME loan fund to help boost sectorStrategic Banking Corporation of Ireland launches in DublinFri Oct 31 2014 - 01:00
More than 50 governments sign deal to tackle tax evasionNoonan praises agreement that will force banks to exchange informationThu Oct 30 2014 - 01:00
Germany issues warning over ‘patent boxes’ tax subsidyBruton says US multinationals will advise Government on ‘knowledge box’ tax schemeWed Oct 29 2014 - 11:52
Syrian refugee crisis pushes nearby nations to limitNeighbouring countries tell delegates in Berlin financial support is not enoughWed Oct 29 2014 - 10:22
German business confidence declines furtherSurvey of managers revealed deep pessimism about the economyMon Oct 27 2014 - 20:47
Troubling memories of Achill on display in BonnPainter René Böll, whose father’s travelogue inspired by Achill is well-known in Germany, has unveiled an exploration of the island’s cillíní, the graveyards for unbaptised childrenWed Oct 15 2014 - 01:00
Germany expects Irish tax reform in return for IMF loan restructuringBundestag demand came as German MPs backed Government’s loan repayment planWed Oct 08 2014 - 19:01
Brussels upset by anti-austerity FranceParis set for battle over failure to meet deficit targets set by European CommissionTue Oct 07 2014 - 01:00
Merkel ‘couldn’t eat properly with a knife and fork’ - KohlBook reveals unvarnished views not intended for publication until after Kohl’s deathMon Oct 06 2014 - 09:51
New prime minister promises a fairer SwedenLöfven vows to secure opposition support for minority government by pursuing centrist policiesSat Oct 04 2014 - 01:00
Poland’s new prime minister promises economic reformEwa Kopacz also signals a more pragmatic approach on UkraineThu Oct 02 2014 - 20:44
Rocket Internet shares fall on first day of tradingSamwer brothers want to become leading internet player, particularly in e-commerceThu Oct 02 2014 - 11:45
German minister compares far-right party to neo-NazisSchäuble brands Alternative für Deutschland "demagogical"Mon Sept 29 2014 - 22:09
Germany’s modern economic miracle ‘built on sand’Country's image of itself is based on illusions, says economist Marcel FrazscherMon Sept 29 2014 - 01:00
Sweden moves towards minority centre-left governmentSocial Democrat leader Stefan Löfven announces plan to form coalition with Green PartyFri Sept 26 2014 - 17:38
German unification remains a `work in progress`The eastern jobless rate is at record post-unification low of 10.3%Thu Sept 25 2014 - 01:00
German business confidence falls againUncertainty over cost of Russian sanctions damages sentimentThu Sept 25 2014 - 01:00
Berlin must add ‘social dimension’ with fiscal reformsGermany’s Europe minister says Berlin ready to take on a leading role in EU’s futureTue Sept 23 2014 - 01:00
Migrants a concern for Germans and Swedes, polls revealPolls in both countries reveal tougher stance on foreign nationalsSat Sept 20 2014 - 01:00
Ireland urged to do more for its vulnerable populationGerman survey of social justice in Europe ranks Ireland 18th out of 28 countriesTue Sept 16 2014 - 02:20
Sweden’s Social Democrats plan to freeze out far rightParty tops poll but potential coalition is 15 seats short of a majorityTue Sept 16 2014 - 01:00
Dubarry proves a hit with sporty SwedesBallinasloe firm selling into Swedish market for 20 yearsMon Sept 15 2014 - 01:00
Stieg Larsson predicted rise of the right in SwedenBestselling author anticipated the rise of the far right that was evident in yesterday's electionsMon Sept 15 2014 - 01:00
Social Democrats return to power in SwedenStefan Löfven’s party tops poll in early data with 31%Mon Sept 15 2014 - 01:00
German eurosceptics surge in local electionsAfD heading for double-digit supportMon Sept 15 2014 - 01:00
Left targets privatisation in Swedish electionOpposition argues wheels have come off centre-right coalition’s reformsSat Sept 13 2014 - 01:00
Feminists and far right try to disturb Swedish centreSweden’s short-term political future may be decided by minor partiesFri Sept 12 2014 - 01:00
Sony banking on its own ‘Sonyness’ to return to formThe Walkman inventor is trying hard to escape its tech also-ran statusThu Sept 11 2014 - 01:30
Migration becomes key issue in Sweden’s election debateRising support for limiting immigration is at odds with Swedish liberal consensusThu Sept 11 2014 - 01:00
Mayo brothers to sell share in Checkpoint CharlieNama-backed site at Cold War border crossing point to be put on marketMon Sept 08 2014 - 01:00
Germany and France in austerity vs stimulus stand-offIn Germany, talk of European austerity’s demise has been greatly exaggeratedFri Sept 05 2014 - 01:30