From the Sargasso Sea to Lough Furnace, our eels face an increasingly perilous pilgrimage Numbers of European eels returning across the Atlantic from the Sargasso have declined by 95 per cent in the past four decades - an astonishing collapseSat Jan 20 2024 - 05:00
Now we can listen deeply to nature: hear the one about the plant triggered by the sound of a caterpillar?A growing body of evidence shows that many species - not just humans - are vocally active and use sound to communicate. And new technology means we may soon be able to converse with other speciesFri Jan 19 2024 - 06:00
Endangered freshwater pearl mussels in Ireland have full EU protection, but it’s done them no goodLast June, Ireland lost a case at the EU over the State’s failure to implement environmental law on protected habitats. If the authorities don’t demonstrate plans to fix this soon, we face daily finesSat Dec 16 2023 - 05:00
Are there any circumstances in which the sight of a rat feels welcome? People may recoil from these clever creatures but rats have been extensively used in research laboratories to help reduce human suffering and increase people’s longevitySat Dec 09 2023 - 06:00
How energy-efficient LEDs are disrupting animal life and blinding us to the night skyThe problem of light pollution is growing by the year, upsetting our body clocks and possibly disturbing the roosting of starlingsSat Dec 02 2023 - 06:00
In a patch of long grass, I saw the red eyeshine of a woodcock, arrived from Scandinavia or beyondMigrating woodcock like Ireland's mild, wet winters and arrive from their boreal homes in Scandinavia, Siberia and as far away as ChinaSat Nov 25 2023 - 06:00
Irish waterways: the toll of years of draining, modification and engineeringWe must use nature-based solutions to solve our extensive drainage problemsSat Nov 18 2023 - 06:00
Moths: It’s my first time mothing, and within minutes, I realise it is a whole other worldPlaced against the mint lichen on an oak tree, this wondrous moth disappears as if it isn’t thereSat Nov 04 2023 - 06:00
For wintering waterbirds it’s ‘death by a thousand cuts’Birdwatch Ireland data shows in the 1990s 1.5m migratory wintering waterbirds were observed; today it has slumped to just 750,000Sat Oct 28 2023 - 06:30
Our National Parks say something about how we view and value the natural worldAgriculture will be at the centre of Ireland’s newest National Park, Boyne Valley National Park, to be created from the 552-acre Dowth Hall estateSat Oct 21 2023 - 06:00
Flies converge over Lough Neagh to find a mate within a week before they dieIn future years the chironomids found in Lough Neagh will tell us whether or not the lake has been returned to its former glorySat Oct 14 2023 - 06:00
Lough Hyne in west Cork is in trouble and action is neededDeep sea-lake was a hotbed of biodiversity, designated Europe’s first marine nature reserve, but life is now draining away from itSun Oct 08 2023 - 06:00
The ‘Daddy Long-Legs’ may appear meek and mild, but it can devour larger spidersElla McSweeney: A new course from the National Biodiversity Data Centre is a calming antidote to exaggerated and inaccurate media reporting about spidersSun Oct 01 2023 - 06:00
Conkers in class won’t fix the climate, but pupils need antidote to a ‘frightening’ futureIs our education system burying its head in the sand, hoping someone else will educate young people on what they face and how to deal with it?Sat Sept 23 2023 - 06:00
Gender bias seems behind vulnerable Black Poplar’s imbalance - but at least there’s cloningThe sexually reproductive population of these trees to be found in the Lough Allen area is of international importance, especially given it is one of Europe’s most threatened tree speciesSat Sept 16 2023 - 06:00
The Maharees: how Kerry locals are working to secure a more nature-filled future The Maharees Conservation Association is working to secure a more hopeful, nature-filled and sustainable future for this beautiful pillow of sandSat Sept 09 2023 - 05:00
It may be time for Ireland to recognise some of our locally unique brown trout as separate speciesFor the trout and other native fish that live in Lough Corrib the news that carp have made their way into the lake is potentially calamitous because of our warming watersSat Sept 02 2023 - 06:00